1697154394 Heidi cries at her friends I was afraid of Massimiliano

Heidi cries at her friend’s: I was afraid of Massimiliano, he has a daughter and I feel the responsibility

Big Brother 2023/2024

On one of their last nights together, Massimiliano and Heidi exchanged very intimate confessions. “You are the best thing that has happened to me here. “What do I do if you leave?” he exposed himself. Now that Heidi is on the verge of leaving the game, her attraction is stronger than ever.

Heidi cries at her friends I was afraid of Massimiliano

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Big Brother 2023/2024

The love story between Massimiliano Varrese and Heidi Baci for the Big Brother takes another turn. In recent weeks, important walls seem to have collapsed between the two, who have finally found each other again after the spark that had ignited between them from day one. She pushed him away, realizing there was something important between them. She played with Vittorio, indicating that she had lost interest in Varrese, but he didn’t let go for a second. Now that Heidi is on the verge of leaving the game, her attraction is stronger than ever.

Heidi’s breakdown in the episode

After Heidi sees the summary clip of the last few days, she bursts into tears. Behind the smile that has always acted as a protective shield, there is a deep fragility that she can no longer hide. “I was scared And I don’t like to admit it because I’m the one who is no longer afraid,” explains the 26-year-old from Pescara Signorini in the studio. “In recent days Massimiliano has changed his attitude, he has become more sensitive, but Ior I always wanted to protect him Because that’s who I am: I also think for others and that’s my limit.” Massimiliano is touched, but determined to live in the present: “In life I’ve made promises before and then couldn’t keep them… I have understood that we have to live the feelings that happen to us here and now.” “

The nighttime confessions between Heidi and Massimiliano

On one of their last nights together, Massimiliano and Heidi exchanged very intimate confessions. “You are the best thing that has happened to me here“What do I do if you go out?” he asked her. “And then what do I do if I stay inside?” she replied, revealing all her fears. “If I avoid being close to you, it’s because I know there’s something serious, you’re great“It’s a question of responsibility,” he clarifies. His doubts arise above all from the fact that the actor has had an important love story that gave birth to a daughter, a situation that is far too big for her. “I don’t want to play, I want to live you“, is Varrese’s declaration of love that makes his intentions clear.