Archaeology Europes oldest settlement found near Lake Ohrid – Euronews

Archaeology: Europe’s oldest settlement found near Lake Ohrid – Euronews

Artifacts from the oldest settlement in Europe have been found on the border between Albania and North Macedonia. These discoveries open up new perspectives for archaeologists.


In the waters of Lake Ohrid on the border between Albania and North Macedonia, archaeologists have found wooden poles that are thousands of years old. According to scientists, these artifacts belong to what may be the oldest settlement in Europe.

“According to the data found, this colony dates back to the beginning of the Neolithic period, i.e. around 5,800 years before our era, so it is 6,800 years old and is therefore the oldest pile-dwelling colony found in Europe to date,” says Froseda Tola, an archaeologist involved in the research.

These discoveries open up new perspectives for the study of the history of European civilization.

“This shows that the civilization and colonies in Europe are really old, because so far the only colonies found are in Asia, in Africa. In Europe the dating was a bit late, but now it appears that people came here too. Agriculture was used here earlier than we imagined, so it is very important for the history of Europe,” explains Froseda Tola.

Samples are currently being analyzed at the University of Oxford and are expected to provide important answers about how people lived in Europe 8,000 years ago.