Israel Hamas at war current news Attack by Israeli

Israel Hamas at war, current news | Attack by Israeli special forces: 250 hostages rescued,…

• What happened yesterday in the Israel-Gaza conflict: Hamas said no to humanitarian corridors, bombs on Damascus
• Hamas: “We have been preparing the attack for two years”
• Egypt: “The Rafah border crossing is not closed, it is unusable due to Israeli raids”
• Netanyahu unifies war cabinet: “Define targets of ground attack”

02:59 a.m. – Lightning attack by Israeli special forces, 250 hostages rescued

“The elite Flotilla 13 unit was deployed around the Gaza Security Barrier on October 7 to jointly regain control of the Sufa military post.” The soldiers freed around 250 living hostages. Over 60 Hamas terrorists were neutralized and 26 were arrested, including Muhammad Abu A’ali, the deputy commander of Hamas’ Southern Marine Division. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) wrote this in a post on

1:53 a.m. – The death toll in Gaza is 1,537, including 500 children and 276 women

1,537 Palestinians died in the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip, including 500 children and 276 women, the enclave’s health ministry said, citing the Washington Post. The number of injured was 6,612, including 1,644 children. Meanwhile, the Israeli Air Force continued to report

1:50 a.m. – UN, there are more than 423,000 displaced people in Gaza

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), more than 423,000 people have been forced to leave their homes in the Gaza Strip, which has been besieged and bombed by the Israeli army. The number of displaced people in this densely populated area of ​​2.3 million people rose from 84,444 to 423,378, according to a statement from the United Nations office.

1:35 a.m. – The US Senate calls for sanctions against those who finance Hamas

The US Senate will vote on Monday on a proposal calling on the international community to impose sanctions to limit the flow of money and weapons to the Hamas militia following the bloody October 7 offensive in Israel. Thirty Democrats and 27 Republicans signed the text declaring their full solidarity with Israel and committing the United States to provide military assistance.

1:33 a.m. – Egypt invites Palestinians to stay in Gaza

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said Gazans must “stand firm and stay in their country,” according to the Guardian, amid growing calls from Gaza for Cairo to allow safe passage for fleeing civilians. The only possible escape route is through the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza.

01:27 – London sends reconnaissance planes, two warships and three helicopters

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak spoke to Benjamin Netanyahu to confirm the country’s support for Israel following the Hamas attack. This was announced by a Downing Street spokesman, as reported by The Guardian newspaper. Sunak confirmed that the UK had approved the deployment of a comprehensive support package to the region, including RAF surveillance aircraft, two Royal Navy ships and three Merlin helicopters.

1:05 a.m. – Human Rights Watch: Israel has also used white phosphorus in Gaza

Human Rights Watch “confirmed, based on videos and witness statements, that Israeli forces used white phosphorus during military operations in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip on October 10 and 11, 2023, respectively. The videos show several aerial explosions of white phosphorus fired by artillery at the port of Gaza City and at two rural locations along the border between Israel and Lebanon. This is what the humanitarian association writes. HRW goes on to say that white phosphorus, which can be used as a smokescreen or as a weapon, “has the potential to cause harm to civilians due to the severe burns it causes and its long-term persistent effects on survivors.” Its use in densely populated areas of the Gaza Strip violates the requirements of international humanitarian law.”

1:01 a.m. – Taunting elderly Israeli woman taken hostage, West Bank pizzeria closed

Israeli IDF soldiers closed a pizzeria in Hawara, West Bank, after it posted an ad on social media mocking an elderly Israeli woman who had been taken hostage by Hamas. Haaretz reports it. The military intervened after Channel 12 television broadcast the advertisement and a group of settlers attempted to attack the site. Soldiers and border police intervened, dispersed the settlers and stopped two of them.

00:58 – Hamas militants had detailed maps of Israeli cities and military bases

Hamas fighters were armed with detailed maps of cities and military bases they planned to attack when they came to Israel to attack. The documents, written in Arabic, were recovered from the attack sites and are now being examined by Israeli authorities. The Wall Street Journal reports on this and emphasizes that the documents indicate that not only military facilities but also civilians were targeted from the start. The documents also provide an opportunity to evaluate Hamas’ intelligence information and the level of planning of the attack.

00:55 – Hamas accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza

Hamas accuses Israel of committing “genocide” in Gaza. Ghazi Hamad, a senior Hamas official, argued in a video statement to Al Jazeera in English that “Western countries that offer military assistance to Israel are engaging in the killing of Palestinians rather than seeking a solution to the conflict and occupation.” . According to Hamad, “There is no safe area where people in Gaza can seek refuge or shelter.” Every area and every building is potentially under attack. Everyone is a victim of Israel’s killings and is at risk, including women, children, the elderly and even the disabled.” Hamad then condemned Israel’s “illegal and immoral” siege of the Gaza Strip, which is preventing fuel and humanitarian supplies from entering the area. “Israeli leaders,” says Hamad, “are giving clear instructions to their army to commit genocide against more than two million citizens in the Gaza Strip. “We are facing crimes that are unprecedented in modern history.”

12:51 a.m. – Blinken has arrived in Amman and will meet Abbas and the King of Jordan

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has arrived in Amman, Jordan. This was reported by CNN, which recalls that Blinken will meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan’s King Abdullah II later in the day. After Jordan, Blinken will travel to Qatar, a key player in talks with Hamas to secure the release of the terrorist group’s hostages, writes CNN.

12:48 a.m. – Throws stones at Israeli soldiers, killing 17-year-old in West Bank

A 17-year-old Palestinian was shot dead in the West Bank town of Qalqilyah. Haaretz writes this, explaining that the spokesman for the IDF, the Israel Defense Forces, stated that the young man was killed by Israeli soldiers for throwing stones. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah, the deceased was Mehdi Majed Salim from the village of Jayyus.

12:46 a.m. – USA: FBI on alert after threats from Hamas

The FBI is on alert following today’s Hamas mobilization call. “We are aware of the call to action that could lead to demonstrations across the United States,” the FBI says. We work with our law enforcement partners to share information and identify and destroy threats that may arise.”

12:43 a.m. – WHO: 11 health workers have been killed in Gaza since Saturday

The World Health Organization (WHO) says it has documented 34 attacks on health care in Gaza since Israel’s retaliatory attacks began last Saturday. Eleven health workers on duty were killed and 16 injured. The BBC reports on it. The WHO also says that access to the field by emergency medical teams was hampered by damage to infrastructure. 19 health facilities and 20 ambulances were damaged, the organization concluded.

12:40 a.m. – White House: 27 US citizens killed, 14 missing

“The number of Americans killed has risen to 27 and the number of missing is 14 today. We are of course doing everything we can to support and inform the families,” said National Security Council spokesman John Kirby during a briefing in the White House. Contact with Israeli officials is ongoing, Kirby said, to obtain as much information as possible, and starting tomorrow the U.S. government will organize charter flights to facilitate transport from Israel to European destinations.

00:37 – Macron: Hamas is terrorism, it seeks the complete destruction of Israel

“Hamas is terrorism. He seeks the destruction of Israel.” French President Emmanuel Macron says it in “X”. “I speak on behalf of all of us – says Macron – when I say that we share Israel’s pain. The pain of grief connects us to Israel. Currently, 13 of our compatriots have died in the attacks. 17 compatriots, including children and adults, are missing, some of them are certainly being held hostage. We will do everything we can to ensure they are released.”