Internationally Canada has become a leader in the major leagues

Internationally, Canada has become a leader in the major leagues

The United States, France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy have jointly signed an important declaration following Hamas’ terrorist attacks against civilians in Israel. Canada, their G-7 partner, was knowingly excluded from the process, which says a lot about the decline in our international credibility!

Canada is at odds with China after Trudeau made allegations of interference in our elections.

The delay in launching a much-needed investigation gave China time to toughen its stance even further.

India, now the world’s most populous country with a booming economy according to the United Nations, is on the verge of permanently cutting diplomatic ties with Canada after Trudeau claimed the Indian government was involved in the murder of a Canadian on ours Territory.

Shameful mistakes

And that’s not all.

At the height of Russia’s illegal and bloody war against Ukraine, Canada had the brilliant idea of ​​sending high-ranking officers from Ottawa to celebrate… at the Russian Embassy! No one was fired and we tried to justify the mistake with the need to protect our diplomats in Moscow. A real shame.

Do I need to remember the honor paid to a former Nazi in parliament before Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky?

To be clear, the responsibility does not fall on the shoulders of Mélanie Joly, who remains one of the safest assets at the table of Trudeau’s council of ministers.

No, the responsibility rightly lies with Trudeau.

Let us also remember that “open mic” evening where Trudeau put his foot in his mouth before his first election.

To a very simple question, he gave an absurd answer by saying that, next to Canada, he admired China most because of its dictatorship, which allowed it to decide and act quickly and freely.

International was already one of the few areas where Trudeau performed well.

It’s crazy how much things have changed in two years!

Let’s be fair…Justin Trudeau was one of the most well-known leaders in the world. It opened doors for him and therefore also for Canada. The problem is that we are now in free fall.

When it comes to supporting Ukraine, Canada has been one of the strongest countries thanks to the commitment of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. On the other hand, our allies are concerned about the deplorable state of our own armed forces.

Canada’s weakness and lack of seriousness are particularly evident when it comes to our support of our key alliances, particularly NATO.

We have promised to fulfill our commitment to spend 2% of our GDP on defense in accordance with NATO rules. Instead, Trudeau has just confirmed that, on the contrary, the promised budgets will be cut by an amount of around a billion dollars.

Our allies don’t take us seriously because we don’t mean it. When I recently sat at a table with a senior American diplomat, he confirmed to me his deep concerns about our inability to do our part in the effort. He was right to be worried and so were we.

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain