How the Israel Gaza conflict unfolded in maps graphics and videos.jpgw1440

How the Israel-Gaza conflict unfolded in maps, graphics and videos – The Washington Post

Map of Israel and Gaza

October 13, 2023 at 3:01 am EDT

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It has been nearly a week since Hamas militants invaded Israel in a murderous rampage, killing more than 1,300 people and taking hostages – the start of a bloody and unpredictable new chapter in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Israeli military responded by bombarding the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip with airstrikes, killing more than 1,500 Palestinians and massing troops along the border in preparation for a ground offensive.

The week brought with it anxiety, Destruction and insecurity for millions in the region. Here’s how events unfolded.

Early Saturday morning, Hamas fighters broke through Israel’s high-tech “smart wall” under the cover of thousands of rockets and rampaged through small towns in southern Israel.

israel fence xxsmall 304

Cameras, radar and sensors


Concrete barrier


detect sensors

militant tunnels

israel fence xsmall 384

Cameras, radar and sensors


Concrete barrier


detect sensors

militant tunnels

israel fence medium 640

Cameras, radar and sensors

Underground sensors

to recognize militants



Concrete barrier

israel fence xlarge 960

Cameras, radar and sensors

Underground sensors

to recognize militants



Concrete barrier

israel fence xlarge 1200

Cameras, radar and sensors

Underground sensors

to recognize militants



Concrete barrier

israel wall diagram

Israel’s perimeter fence

and restricted access area

Sand barriers too

slow invaders


Access permitted

only to farmers

on foot

The new border fence

has a subway

Concrete barrier into one

unknown depth.

israel wall diagram

Israel’s perimeter fence

and restricted access area

Sand barriers too

slow invaders




only to farmers

on foot

The new border fence

has a subway

Concrete barrier into one

unknown depth.

israel wall diagram medium

Israel’s perimeter fence

and restricted access area


Access permitted

only to farmers

on foot

Sand barriers too

slow invaders

The new border fence

has a subway

Concrete barrier into one

unknown depth.

israel wall diagram

Israel’s perimeter fence

and restricted access area


Access permitted

only to farmers

on foot

Sand barriers too

slow invaders

The new border fence

has a subway

Concrete barrier into one

unknown depth.

How Hamas broke Israel’s Iron Wall

The ambush caught Israeli forces by surprise. Officials said the attackers overran more than 20 communities. It took 10 hours for the military to arrive in some cities. By this time, hundreds of civilians were already dead. Militants are believed to have taken more than 100 hostages to Gaza.

Maps and videos show how the deadly surprise attack on Israel unfolded

The fighting continues and the death toll is rising

Fighting with militant resistance fighters inside Israel continued as the country officially declared war on Hamas. Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group allied with Hamas, fired dozens of rockets into northern Israel.

Israeli forces launched a punitive campaign of air strikes on Gaza, displacing thousands of people in the first 24 hours.

Israeli soldiers stand at the site of a damaged police station occupied by Hamas gunmen in the southern city of Sderot on October 8. (Video: Portal)

The death toll continued to rise in Israel. More than 250 bodies have been recovered from the site of a trance music festival held just five kilometers from the Gaza border. Survivors described weary festival-goers running for their lives in a vast field as militants gunned them down.

A “full siege” of Gaza

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip and said Israel would cut off supplies of electricity, food and gas.

Residents of the Gaza Strip have been living under an Egyptian-backed Israeli blockade for 16 years and are heavily dependent on Israel for electricity and other basic services. Shutting off gas and electricity could leave many residents not only without electricity, but also without clean drinking water, adequate sanitation and health care.

Israel ordered a “complete siege” of Gaza. This is what it looks like.

A day later, UN human rights chief Volker Türk condemned the siege, saying that depriving civilians of “essential goods” was prohibited under international humanitarian law.

GazaMap2023 640

The two main sources of electricity in Gaza are the Israeli Electricity Company, which supplies electricity through ten lines, and the Gaza Power Plant, which is often at partial capacity due to its reliance on inefficient diesel fuel. Gaza could not receive electricity

from Egypt for several years.

Water treatment plant

Sewage pumping station

Electricity feed-in from Israel

Electricity feed-in from Israel

GazaMap2023 384

The two main sources of electricity in Gaza are the Israeli Electricity Company, which supplies electricity through ten lines, and the Gaza Power Plant, which is often at partial capacity due to its reliance on inefficient diesel fuel. Gaza has not been able to receive electricity from Egypt for several years.

Power feed-in

from Israel


Sewage treatment plant


Pumping station

Power feed-in

from Israel

Power feed-in

from Israel

GazaMap2023 Artboard 4

The two main sources of electricity in Gaza are the Israeli Electricity Company, which supplies electricity through ten lines, and the Gaza Power Plant, which is often at partial capacity due to its reliance on inefficient diesel fuel. Gaza has not been able to receive electricity from Egypt for several years.

Power feed-in

from Israel






Railroad station

Power feed-in

from Israel

Power feed-in

from Israel

GazaMap2023 Artboard 8

The two main sources of electricity in Gaza are the Israeli Electricity Company, which supplies electricity through ten lines, and the Gaza Power Plant, which is often at partial capacity due to its reliance on inefficient diesel fuel. Gaza has not been able to receive electricity from Egypt for several years.


Sewage treatment plant


Pumping station

Electricity feed-in from Israel

Electricity feed-in from Israel

As the airstrikes continued on Gaza, the fleeing Palestinians’ last hope was destroyed. Attacks near the Rafah border crossing into Egypt, the last route out of the area, closed the checkpoint indefinitely, leaving civilians nowhere to go.

Scenes of further destruction

Bodies were still being found in Israel. After two and a half days of intense fighting in Kfar Azza – one of the first towns attacked – soldiers escorted journalists through scenes of utter devastation. Houses were burned, cars were smashed and the air smelled of death.

Israeli commanders said they had gained control of the Gaza border, but Hamas continued to fire rockets into Israel even as IDF airstrikes targeted militant infrastructure and command posts. The military said it had carried out more than 2,000 strikes across the Gaza Strip since Saturday, killing hundreds of Palestinians.

Israel pledged to concentrate its fire on Hamas militants and abide by international law. Two members of Hamas’ political office were killed.

How the Israel Gaza conflict unfolded in maps graphics and videos

Explosion in the northern Gaza Strip

Al-Gharbi Mosque in the northern Gaza Strip

Al-Sousi Mosque near Rimal

Residential buildings near As Sabra

Source: Maxar Technologies

1697190266 634 How the Israel Gaza conflict unfolded in maps graphics and videos

Explosion in the northern Gaza Strip

Al-Gharbi Mosque in the northern Gaza Strip

Al-Sousi Mosque near Rimal

Residential buildings near As Sabra

Source: Maxar Technologies

1697190268 822 How the Israel Gaza conflict unfolded in maps graphics and videos

al-Gharbi Mosque

in the northern Gaza Strip

Explosion in the northern Gaza Strip

residential buildings

near As Sabra

Al-Sousi Mosque near Rimal

Source: Maxar Technologies

But mosques, hospitals, residential buildings and international aid organizations were also hit.

Israeli attacks on Gaza intensified, with many focused on densely populated areas in the north. The death toll topped 1,100 and more than 263,000 people were displaced across the Strip. The United Nations announced that 11 workers were killed.

gaza strip strikes

Explosions or airstrikes in the northern Gaza Strip

Explosion nearby

Mashroo Amer

wal Isra’a

Note: Due to data availability, not all events are included.

Sources: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance

Affairs (OCHA), Israel Defense Forces, Maxar Technologies,

Google Earth

gaza strip strikes

Explosions or airstrikes in the northern Gaza Strip

Explosion nearby

Mashroo Amer

wal Isra’a


al-Gharbi Mosque

Note: Due to data availability, not all events are included.

Sources: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance

Affairs (OCHA), Israel Defense Forces, Maxar Technologies, Google Earth

gaza strip strikes medium

Explosions or airstrikes in the northern Gaza Strip

Explosion nearby

Mashroo Amer wal Isra’a.


al-Gharbi Mosque

Several were destroyed by air raids

Mosques in the western Gaza Strip.

Significantly damaged by bombing

Hospitals in Gaza City.

Destroyed residential area

Buildings near As Sabra.

International Eye Clinic

Note: Due to data availability, not all events are included.

Sources: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Israel Defense Forces,

Maxar Technologies, Google Earth

gaza strip strikes

Explosions or airstrikes in the northern Gaza Strip

Explosion nearby

Mashroo Amer

wal Isra’a

Several were destroyed by air raids

Mosques in the western Gaza Strip.

Significantly damaged by bombing

Hospitals in Gaza City.



from Gaza

International Eye Clinic

Some of the most devastating attacks Israel has carried out in Gaza

Palestinian authorities said Gaza’s only power plant had run out of fuel and was no longer operating.

Israel supplies electricity to Gaza in two ways. Gaza Power plant runs on imported diesel fuel. There are also 10 direct power lines from Israel to Gaza. Now both sources have been cut off.

1697190271 496 How the Israel Gaza conflict unfolded in maps graphics and videos

Where Gaza gets its electricity

The Gaza Strip has a total daily electricity supply of 195 MW.

Israel supplies 120 megawatts to Gaza every day, delivered through direct power lines.

The power plant in Gaza supplies 65 to 75 megawatts daily. The fuel that powers this plant is purchased by Israel and enters the Gaza Strip through the Karem Shalom border crossing.



1697190273 41 How the Israel Gaza conflict unfolded in maps graphics and videos

Where Gaza gets its electricity

The Gaza Strip has a total daily electricity supply of 195 MW.

Israel supplies 120 megawatts to Gaza every day, delivered through direct power lines.

The power plant in Gaza supplies 65 to 75 megawatts daily. The fuel that powers this plant is purchased by Israel and enters the Gaza Strip through the Karem Shalom border crossing.

1697190275 346 How the Israel Gaza conflict unfolded in maps graphics and videos

Where Gaza gets its electricity

The Gaza Strip has a total daily electricity supply of 195 MW.

Israel supplies 120 megawatts to Gaza every day, delivered through direct power lines.

The power plant in Gaza supplies 65 to 75 megawatts daily. The fuel that powers this plant is purchased by Israel and enters the Gaza Strip through the Karem Shalom border crossing.

1697190278 262 How the Israel Gaza conflict unfolded in maps graphics and videos

Where Gaza gets its electricity

Israel supplies 120 megawatts to Gaza every day, delivered through direct power lines.

The power plant in Gaza supplies 65 to 75 megawatts daily. The fuel that powers this plant is purchased by Israel and enters the Gaza Strip through the Karem Shalom border crossing.

Total daily output

Supply: 195 MW

Preparing for a ground attack

On October 12, Israeli tanks stationed themselves on the border with Gaza, while an army helicopter flew near the northern border with Lebanon. (Video: Portal)

Israeli tanks and reservists stationed on the Gaza border arrived for duty at the Julis military base near Ashkelon.

Meanwhile, the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip continued.

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, an IDF spokesman, said in a televised news conference that Israel would no longer allow Hamas to exist next door.

“Unlike other operations, we are breaking down the leadership and sovereignty of the Hamas organization,” he said.

Deep underground in the northern Israeli city of Haifa, medics lined up hospital beds and prepared for the possibility of a major regional escalation. Following rocket fire from Syria earlier this week, Israel launched rocket attacks on two of the country’s main airports, authorities in Damascus said.