A Fazenda 15 Cariucha explains the secret that Lucas Souza

A Fazenda 15: Cariúcha explains the secret that Lucas Souza threatened to reveal and addresses homophobia; Watch

Game over for Cariúcha! The funk singer was the third to be eliminated from “A Fazenda 15” on Thursday evening (12), with only 9.74% of the votes. After leaving the rural reality show, she went to “Decompression Cabin” with Lucas Selfie and talked about the tension with Lucas Souza. Cariúcha denied that he had made any suggestions about the farmer’s sexual orientation and that he had made homophobic comments about his rival.

In the interview, Selfie pointed out that Cariúcha sometimes exaggerated with the soldier, citing his threats to reveal something personal in his life. At the time, she explained that the mystery wasn’t about the boy’s sexuality. “Several comments, laughter, imitations… All of this was also attributed to you, if you look more, you will understand that you have exceeded the limit a little. “This threat to reveal something about him…” emphasized the moderator, who was interrupted by the eliminated woman. “No, that was something different. “This has nothing to do with this, guys,” he said. Regard:

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🚨SEE: Cariúcha said Lucas’ secret has nothing to do with his sexuality #The farm #EliminacaoAFazenda


— Hora da Fofoca #AFazenda15 (@horadafofocatv) October 13, 2023

Elsewhere, Cariúcha said that she was close to Lucas Souza outside the broadcast and had already helped her rival in a delicate situation. “We had WhatsApp, we went out, we went to the block…,” he said. “Are they already?” Selfie wanted to know. “No, I never was. His exgirlfriend, who suffered from racism, actually called me that day because they were making fun of his exgirlfriend and making monkey noises. “He called me crying and in tears and then I calmed him down,” he revealed.

Still remembering the singer’s behavior with the farmer in the rural reality show, Selfie wanted to know: “Do you think you crossed the line with him at some point?” “NO! He deserves it,” he said. “All? Even with messages, all the clues in it [sobre homofobia]“Do you think you didn’t cross any boundaries?” the moderator insisted. “No, because he’s being ridiculous. That’s one of his characters,” replied Cariúcha.

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Cariucha believes he didn’t get past the point with Lucas. “He deserves it.” #DecompressionCabin #The farm pic.twitter.com/ycfs0qD7zq

Vai Desmaiar (@vaidesmaiar) October 13, 2023

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Cariúcha says he didn’t indicate that he wanted to reveal anything about Lucas’ sexuality. #The farm #AFazenda15 pic.twitter.com/zlmKeaoV52

— Antennas (@canalantenados) October 13, 2023

For the nowformer player, Souza is doing his best to become a champion by emulating the journey of BBB 21 winner Arthur Aguiar. “I think he will win. He trained to win, he did many things… That’s not him on the “Fazenda”. Anyone who knows us here knows that it has nothing to do with it, but a character. He created this character because he will be the new Arthur Aguiar in his character. He hired a coach, a lot of people…” he claimed.

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Cariucha says Lucas will be the new Arthur Aguiar. #The farm pic.twitter.com/0pJmraGSeF

Central Reality (@centralreality) October 13, 2023

Selfie again addressed Cariúcha’s homophobic comments about Lucas. The funk singer watched some scenes from her time in prison and even called him a “sloppy bitch” by referring to the farmer with female pronouns. “Ah, these pronouns, we in the gay world always call everyone female, it’s normal for us,” she said. “Do you think there was any other moment besides that moment where you had a little interaction with him in some sort of joke or impersonation that you were involved in?” Selfie asked. “No,” he said.

Then Lucas Selfie showed a video of Cariúcha in the pool talking about a conversation with Souza. “I arrived at Lucas and said: ‘If you weren’t Lucas and I wasn’t Cariúcha, would you catch me?'” He [respondeu]: ‘Clear. You know I love a black girl, right?’. I said, ‘Yeah, you like it when the black thing comes in,'” he said in the video. As he watched the scene, the singer denied that the speech was directed at the military. “It’s up to me, guys. Wow… Hey guys, this is it. They distort the business. “The black thing would be a woman,” he replied.

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After seeing their speeches about Lucas, Cariúcha is confused and says that people are distorting #The farm


Dantas (@Dantinhas) October 13, 2023