What is the white phosphorus that Human Rights Watch accuses

What is the white phosphorus that Human Rights Watch accuses Israel of Liberation

Israel-Palestine, endless conflict? File The NGO condemns the use of these banned ammunition by the IDF in Gaza and Lebanon in areas where civilians live due to the burns they cause. Israel officially rejects this accusation.

The accusation came from Human Rights Watch (HRW) on October 12th. “Israel has used white phosphorus in military operations in Gaza and Lebanon, putting civilians at risk of serious and long-term injuries,” the NGO assures. This substance with the characteristic garlic smell ignites when it comes into contact with oxygen, producing a temperature of around 800 °C, but also a lot of light and smoke. “White phosphorus causes painful burns and can set houses on fire,” HRW continues.

When did Israel use white phosphorus?

According to HRW, Israel used white phosphorus weapons in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip on October 10 and 11. The NGO states that “verified videos (Here And Here, Editor’s Note), which shows numerous aerial explosions of white phosphorus from artillery fire over the port of Gaza and two rural areas along the Israel-Lebanese border, and collected statements from two people about one of these attacks in Gaza. The Israeli army initially responded that it was “currently unaware of the use of white phosphorus weapons in Gaza,” before categorically denying the “completely false” allegations. The Israel Defense Forces did not use this type of ammunition.”

Regarding the attack on Gaza, HRW claims to have collected two telephone testimonies from residents of the al-Mina neighborhood. “Both described airstrikes in progress before seeing explosions in the sky, followed by white lines which they described pointing towards the earth. Both said the smell was overwhelming. They estimate that the attack took place on October 11 between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., HRW states. Through analysis of their video, the NGO identified the ammunition used as artillery shells with a caliber of 155 mm.

Is white phosphorus banned by international conventions?

The use of white phosphorus is governed by Protocol III to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, which Israel has not ratified. “The use of white phosphorus is illegal and indiscriminate in air explosions in populated urban areas, where this substance can burn down houses and cause significant harm to civilians,” said Lama Fakih, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch.

However, the text is sometimes ambiguous. “First, Protocol III partially, but not completely, restricts the use of ground-based incendiary weapons in areas where there are large numbers of civilians, such as white phosphorus artillery fire in Gaza.” Second, the Protocol’s definition of incendiary weapons covers weapons “in “designed primarily to set fires and burn people,” explains HRW.

However, white phosphorus is often used to create a smokescreen and marker, but also to illuminate a position. However, for these uses, HRW points out that there are other products that are less dangerous to the population. Asked on BFMTV In 2022, military historian Michel Goya gets to the heart of the matter: white phosphorus is an “authorized” but “disgusting” weapon.

Has white phosphorus ever been used?

In March 2022, Ukraine accused Russia of using white phosphorus in its bombings. In 2017, the international coalition used white phosphorus munitions in Raqqa, the Syrian stronghold of the Islamic State (IS). In 1996, Papua New Guinea used white phosphorus against independence fighters on the island of Bougainville.

The IDF used this type of weapon in Gaza as early as 2009. “In 2013, in response to a petition filed with Israel’s Supreme Court regarding attacks in Gaza, the Israeli military claimed that it would no longer use white phosphorus in populated areas, except in two specific situations that were disclosed only to judges,” recalls Human Rights Watch.

Updated at 4:00 p.m.: with the IDF response.