The Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister thanks Italy for its stance

The Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister thanks Italy for its stance against the blockade

Speaking in a thematic session on facing the challenges of a changing world, Rodríguez recognized the traditional support of this European nation in the fight to repeal this unilateral measure that Washington imposed on the island more than six decades ago as the main obstacle to his economic and social development.

The Vice Chancellor said the poorest and most vulnerable countries, victims of an unfair international economic order, were suffering the worst from “unprecedented global challenges”.

In the context of the systemic and multidimensional crisis facing the planet, the risk of failing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is increasing, he said, adding: “We can raise the alarms that warn of the impending catastrophe, Don’t continue to ignore “climate”.

On the other hand, he expressed that progress in ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all is not progressing at the required pace, while “international financial flows for clean energy continue to decline”.

He warned that the challenge is even greater for small island developing states such as Cuba and most Caribbean countries “given our vulnerabilities in terms of size, economic performance and exposure to exogenous shocks.”

Regarding the environmental and climate crisis, he explained that it must be addressed through collective action and international cooperation, including North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, respecting the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, justice and appropriate capacities .

The Cuban government’s goals are to increase energy efficiency, develop renewable energy sources, reduce the production of greenhouse gases, curb climate change and promote less carbon-intensive economic development, the official explained.

He also referred to the fact that several international crises have caused disruptions in supply chains that have affected key elements of the agricultural and food systems, “which has jeopardized the guarantee of the right to food, food security, nutrition and health of our people. “

Developing countries are particularly affected by this situation, and the Cuban government is making extraordinary efforts to guarantee the universal right to food for its people through a basic family basket and to implement the Food Sovereignty and Nutrition Education Plan.

Cuba faces such challenges amid the tightening of the US blockade, with such wrong actions as being included in a biased list of countries that support terrorism, “which reinforces the negative impact of the global problems raised in this session,” Rodríguez stressed. . The XI. Italy-Latin America-Caribbean Conference, which will take place this Friday at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aims to strengthen the relations of this European nation with the countries of this region, as a priority objective of its foreign policy.
