1697303825 Swiftmania comes to cinemas –

Swiftmania comes to cinemas | –

In Montreal and around the world, Taylor Swift fans stormed theaters Friday for the release of the film from her Eras tour. La Presse attended a performance that had the feel of a concert between the loud applause and screams of excited audience members.

Published at 2:32 am. Updated at 5:00 am.


Few films manage to capture such an event, and even fewer manage to make a concert film.

On Friday, the Quebec release of “Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour” sparked a buzz comparable to that of Barbie last summer.

Swiftmania comes to cinemas –


Taylor Swift on stage in Glendale, Arizona in March

At the box office of the Cineplex Odeon in Brossard, one glance was enough to recognize the singer’s fans, mostly young women.

They arrived arm in arm in a group with glittering faces and could hardly contain their excitement. The four performances of the evening were all sold out or almost sold out.

“Maybe I’ll lose my voice for the rest of the weekend!” says Audrey Mercier, dressed in a T-shirt with the image of her idol.

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The first to arrive received a poster of the film.

Because once in space, anything is possible. Including loud singing and dancing between the rows of seats.

Most of the fans gathered there were unable to get a ticket to one of the singer’s six scheduled concerts in Toronto, the only Canadian city where she will stop as part of the Eras tour.

This film is their consolation prize.

“I’m glad she made a movie for people who can’t go to her show,” says Zena Madi, wearing Taylor Swift’s signature crimson lipstick.

First progress

The singer, known for her brilliant brainwaves, surprised her fans by pushing back the release of her film, which was originally scheduled for Friday, by a day.

Despite the short notice, around forty motivated fans came to the Scotiabank Cinema in Montreal on Thursday evening. Like many others, Carla Billon couldn’t wait until tomorrow. “Even though I have tickets for [vendredi], I had to go there tonight. And I’m going back on Saturday! “ cried the young woman.

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Carla, Jennifer, Malik, Gabrielle and Juan Pablo

Even in the cinema, fans wanted to recreate the rituals of the tour, wearing one or another of the many outfits that characterized Taylor Swift’s different musical eras.

One wore a white sundress and cowboy hat, sporting the singer’s country look that was emblematic of her debut. Further away, another was dressed like the artist in the “You Belong With Me” music video, from a white T-shirt to plaid pajama pants.

“I expect the rooms next door will be disturbed!” joked Gabrielle Moreau. “I expect to cry!” », In return, Juan Pablo Vera launched.

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Carla, Jennifer and Gabrielle exchange bracelets.

A few minutes before the film began, the two friends exchanged friendship bracelets with other fans.

It’s another ritual of the Eras tour: fans exchange handmade friendship bracelets, a symbol of the bond that binds them.

“I really love our community. We’re still crazy, but in a good way! », emphasizes Alexia Martins over the screams of joy.

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Fans exchange friendship bracelets, as is tradition at Taylor Swift concerts.

A few rows away, an octogenarian sat alone, waiting for the show to begin. “My daughter is the Taylor Swift fan. I came here to see what it’s all about,” he explained behind his mask.

He then glanced at the group of excited fans behind him: “I hope they don’t make so much noise during the movie.” »

$100 million in pre-sales

In Quebec, the excitement generated by the film’s release thrilled theaters. “Advance sales are going very well,” confirms Mario Fortin, general director of the Association of Cinema Owners of Quebec.

According to the film’s distributor, AMC Theaters, $100 million was generated from advance ticket sales. By comparison, Thursday’s preview revenue was relatively low, totaling $2.8 million for participating theaters.

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Most fans had already purchased their tickets in advance for the official premiere on Friday.

It has to be said that most fans had already bought their tickets for the official premiere on Friday, especially since not all cinemas were able to schedule the film at short notice. In Quebec, tickets were only posted online in the afternoon and in only a handful of cinemas.

“Canceling a film to make something last minute is not easy,” says Mario Fortin.

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Bronwyn Farkas, Emerie Stilson Goldberg and her mother Christiane Stilson

Like a concert

Still, moviegoers seemed convinced on Thursday. The moment the lights went out in the cinema, all cinematic rules of conduct disappeared.

When the singer appeared on screen in her shimmering leotard, most viewers jumped to their feet.

For almost three hours – the film shows almost the entire concert – they danced, sang and loudly shouted the lyrics of the songs. Some hugged the people sitting next to them, others screamed at the first notes of their favorite song. It has to be said, their excitement was contagious and at times we almost felt like we were there at the concert, in the best seat.

“I loved! I felt like I was there,” Samar Attar exclaimed after the performance. And his sister Gida added: “Since we didn’t manage to get tickets, at least we could have this experience. »