Foreign Minister Baerbock Eight Germans among Hamas hostages

Foreign Minister Baerbock: Eight Germans among Hamas hostages

From: October 14, 2023, 5:10 pm

The federal government is trying to free hostages in the Gaza Strip. According to Foreign Minister Baerbock, at least eight Germans were deported there. Liberation is an “order of humanity”.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock confirmed that at least eight Germans are under the control of the radical Islamic terrorist group Hamas. These are the cases known so far, said the Green politician at a press conference in Cairo. The German embassy is in constant contact with the family.

All channels are used “to obtain information about whose hands the hostages are in and to do everything possible to ensure that these innocent people are released.”

Baerbock again called on Hamas to release all hostages immediately. “These are innocent people, innocent children.” She did not give details about those kidnapped – probably to protect their families. But she emphasized to Hamas:

Liberation is a requirement of humanity.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Baerbock

Desperate relatives ask for help

Some relatives now seek publicity. “Germany must use all its resources to help free the hostages,” Joni Ascher told KNA news agency. His wife Doron and his two daughters, his mother-in-law Efrat and his partner Gadi have been missing since October 7th. Asher recognized his family in a video released by Hamas.

The family of Shani Louk, 22, had already publicly asked for help for the young woman. She was reportedly seriously injured in a hospital in the Gaza Strip.

Can Germans leave the Gaza Strip?

Baerbock defined the safe exit of the Germans from the Gaza Strip as the second important topic. According to the chancellor, she is also negotiating intensively about this. Most of them are people with dual citizenship who were supposed to reach Egypt through the Rafah border crossing. However, security is necessary for the border crossing to be open.

People in the Gaza Strip lack everything, Baerbock said. She emphasized that Hamas was responsible for the people’s “desperate situation.” “Hamas is hiding behind the civilian population in Gaza.”

On the other hand, a new great suffering among the civilian population in Gaza “will not only create fertile ground for new terrorism, but will also endanger any measures of rapprochement with Arab neighbors that have been achieved in recent months”, warned Baerbock. This terrorist calculation must not work.

Many conversations in Cairo

In Cairo, the Minister of Foreign Affairs met, among others, with the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Samih Schukri, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan and the Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

Discussions also discussed how humanitarian aid could be brought to people in the Gaza Strip.