How am I currently traveling from Cuba to Nicaragua These

How am I currently traveling from Cuba to Nicaragua? These are the prices Cuban Directory

What options are there to fly from Cuba to Nicaragua this month of October 2023? There are several airlines that continue to connect various airports on the island with the “Augusto Sandino” International Airport in the city of Managua. As you know, these trips are simplified for Cubans as no visa is required upon entry.

It is no less true that the immigration situation of Cubans seeking to reach the United States through Nicaragua has led to high demand for flights to this Central American country. According to updated information from the Cuban Airport Authority, there are several connection options to Managua from “José Martí” airport in Havana for the month of October.

Airlines offering this service include Aruba Airlines, which operates on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and Conviasa, which offers flights from Caracas with a stop in Havana on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. These are the alternatives available to travelers who want to take the route to Nicaragua from the Cuban capital.

Ticket prices from Cuba to Nicaragua

The prices for tickets to Nicaragua from Cuba? According to users on social networks, the cheapest tickets cost more than $ 1,500 for a one-way Aruba Airlines ticket from Havana. In the first week of October, an agent on Facebook offered them “$1,850, direct, nonstop flight.” Others sold it for $1,900 including accommodation.

According to the Skyscanner website, the cheapest alternative to traveling with Conviasa with a stopover in Havana is around $800 if you buy directly from Conviasa. This is the lowest fare available on this route, although, as noted, agencies and brokers typically offer it for more than $1,500.

At the Miramar agency, the ticket to Nicaragua was sold this week through Conviasa for just over 1,400 MLC, according to sources close to the subject. But the lines were endless, which unfortunately speaks volumes about the current immigration crisis. There’s also another issue at stake: queue workers and scammers, as many charged up to $100 to sell queues, some reported.