Rising tensions in Mali could delay departure of UN mission

Rising tensions in Mali could delay departure of UN mission UN News

The United Nations expressed great concern this Saturday about the escalation of tensions and the growing armed presence in northern Mali, which “could prevent an orderly and timely withdrawal.”” of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in this country (MINUSMA).

In a statement, the UN spokesman emphasized that this was also the case would jeopardize the safe transfer of United Nations personnel and assets belonging to troop-contributing countries and the Organization, as well as jeopardizing the Mission’s air operations to protect and facilitate its withdrawal from Mali.

“The ONU reiterates its determination to complete the departure within the scheduled time of the country of MINUSMA, d.

Convoy standoff in Gao

In this sense, the United Nations has since reiterated its concern Since September 24, its logistics convoys have not been able to leave Gao City to collect equipment from the United Nations and troop contributing countries currently in Aguelhok, Tessalit and Kidal.

That could have one significant impact on the mission’s ability to stay on schedule established, he noted.

Danger of forced departure

According to the world body, the increase in tensions in northern Mali increases the likelihood of a forced withdrawal of the mission without the possibility of recovering the above-mentioned equipment, which would result significant financial losses to cooperating countries and would prevent the United Nations from supporting other peacekeeping operations that require such items.

The UN insisted that “All parties are obliged to abstain from voting any action or statement that could jeopardize the safe and timely withdrawal of MINUSMA.”

He also recalled that Security Council Resolution 2690 calls on the interim government of Mali to cooperate fully with the United Nations Guarantee the orderly and safe departure of the mission and ask for full compliance with all regulations of the Statute of Armed Forces Agreement until the withdrawal of the last part of MINUSMA from Mali.