In other words really risky Fabbris prophecy about Israel the

In other words: “really risky.” Fabbri’s prophecy about Israel: the real plans for Gaza

Dario Fabbri, geopolitics expert and director of Domino, is a guest on the October 14 episode of In altre parole, the La7 program hosted by Massimo Gramellini. Fabbri begins with a prediction about the Israeli counteroffensive against Gaza: “But there seems to be a temptation if Israel tells a million people to move south, that of course they want to come in, we’ll see if that really happens.” but maybe even to stay for a while. If you’re going to ask a million people to move, try to have greater defensive depth. To better defend yourself, you want to have your feet in the territory, and that’s really risky. Israel thought it had solved part of the problem by leaving Gaza in 2005, but that was not the case.”

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Why would Israel attack? Fabbri therefore answers the new question posed to him: “Israel faces an insoluble dilemma. If it did not attack, it would prove weak in the face of an obscene attack like that of Hamas. The reaction cannot only be spectacular.” It is the highest Israeli civilian toll since 1948. It must respond to the Hamas network. At the same time, Israel knows that it is facing a trap: Hamas’s call for jihad did not have the desired effects. Hamas is a prosthesis of Iran, the countries that signed the Abraham Accords are against Iran, there are Shiites who want to dominate the region with their pan-Islamism. This is not a religious war, but an attack aimed at breaking the pro-Israel front, which also consists of Arab countries. Iran’s gamble is to tell those who have signed agreements with Israel – countries like Jordan, Morocco and Saudi Arabia that were on the verge of doing so – that if there are Palestinian civilian deaths, How should all this be explained to Arab citizens?”