1697337750 The Palestinian cause brings 6000 people to the streets in.image

The Palestinian cause brings 6,000 people to the streets in Geneva RTS.ch

A parade in support of the Palestinian people gathered several thousand people late Saturday afternoon in Geneva under heavy police escort. Many demonstrators covered their shoulders with the Palestinian flag. Around 500 people gathered for another meeting in Bern.

The demonstrators condemned the apartheid policies of the Israeli government, the impunity of the Jewish state and the blockade imposed on the population of the Gaza Strip. According to police and organizers, there were around 6,000.

The organizers of the demonstration had set strict rules before the procession began. They insisted on the anti-racist character of their decolonial and anti-imperialist movement and, at the farewell ceremony, welcomed the decision of the Canton of Geneva to authorize the assembly, unlike other Swiss cities (see box).

>> Pictures of the parade: Pro-Palestine demonstration in Geneva [RTS] Pro-Palestine demonstration in Geneva / News in video / 38 seconds / yesterday at 5:59 p.m

Important police oversight

This is the second demonstration of support for Palestinians in Geneva since the conflict broke out between the armed Islamist faction Hamas and Israel. The first took place on Thursday at the Place des Nations. “We will continue to take to the streets in the coming days,” promised an organizer.

The parade, which ran from Place Neuve to the Jonction district, was monitored by a large police force. A truck equipped with a water cannon was deployed and officers in riot gear and others on motorcycles stood guard near Geneva’s main synagogue.

>> Also listen to the explanations in the forum: A demonstration in support of the Palestinians is taking place in Geneva / Forum / 3 min. / yesterday at 6:05 p.m

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