Pachydactylus bibronii – definition and explanations – Techno Sciencenet

Pachydactylus bibronii – definition and explanations –


Pachydactylus bibronii
Pachydactylus bibronii – definition and explanations – Techno Sciencenet
Sub Emb.Vertebrate
Infra orderGekkota
Binomial name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.), the binomial name or binomial comes from…)
Pachydactylus bibronii
(Smith, 1846)
distributionAfrica (With an area of ​​30,221,532 km2 including islands,…) (South)
Biome (A biome (from the Greek bios = life), also called a biotic area, ecozone or ecoregion, is a…)
Size (maximum)cm
Lifestyle (life is the name 🙂tree-like

Pachydactylus bibronii is a species (in biological sciences, the species (from Latin “species”, “type”…)) of the night and tree gecko that occurs in southern Africa.

He is relatively massive (the word massive can be used like this): and has a large head. The body is gray-brown and dotted with white, beige or black spots. The scales are clearly visible all over the body.

Geographical distribution

This species is found in Botswana, which extends mainly across the Kalahari, the desert of southern Africa, between the Zambezi Basin (The Zambezi (also spelled Zambesi in the 19th century) is a river…) and the Orange.

Climatic parameters

This reptile (A reptile (Latin “Reptilia”) is generally a vertebrate) lives in dry environments characterized by fairly high temperatures during the day. (from the sun; it’s the…) and quite cool and low humidity at night.


No subspecies known yet.


This animal (an animal (from Latin animus, spirit or life principle) is, according to the classical classification, a…) is insectivorous and eats various insects (Insects is a French-language journal of ecology and entomology aimed at a large.. .) and other arthropods.

Captive breeding

This species is found in terrariums and is considered quite docile.


Nocturnal behavior, hunting at night and resting during the day


The males have very distinct white spots on the body (like in the photo), while the females only have white spots on the neck (The neck is the area of ​​the body that is between the head and the rest of the body…). In addition, as in other species of reptiles, the base of the tail is much larger than that of the female (in biology, female is (from the Latin “femella”, little woman, young woman) …) and the tip of the tail The tail of the female ends in a tip , the male has a rounded tip with him (A rounding of a number is an approximation of this number, which is obtained from its …)