The children held hostage by Hamas A terrified mother shares

The children held hostage by Hamas: A terrified mother shares a photo of her two daughters from captivity after terrorists stormed their family home – as relatives share heartbreaking videos of two little brothers shot dead during the kibbutz massacre

A terrified mother has shared pictures of her two daughters held captive by Hamas terrorists following the Israeli kibbutz massacre.

Maayan Zin, mother of 8-year-old Ella and 15-year-old sister Dafna, revealed a photo sent to her by a news site from Gaza.

The shocking image shows the two girls sitting together on low mattresses on the floor.

Dafna is seen with her head in her hands, her face red from crying. The younger sister Ella cowers in the corner, scared.

“The article says the picture is from Gaza, but we are not 100 percent sure.” They changed their clothes to long-sleeved garments. In Arabic it is said that they gave them better clothing for prayer. Because her shorts were not modest,” Maayan told the Jewish News.

Terrified Maayan Zin has shared pictures of her two daughters held captive by Hamas terrorists following the Israeli kibbutz massacre

Terrified Maayan Zin has shared pictures of her two daughters held captive by Hamas terrorists following the Israeli kibbutz massacre

Maayan with her two children – 8-year-old Ella and 15-year-old Dafna

Maayan with her two children – 8-year-old Ella and 15-year-old Dafna

The girls had gone to their father Noam on Kibbutz Nahal Oz in southern Israel to celebrate the community's 70th birthday

The girls had gone to their father Noam on Kibbutz Nahal Oz in southern Israel to celebrate the community’s 70th birthday

Maayan told how her daughters had gone to visit their father Noam at Kibbutz Nahal Oz in southern Israel to celebrate the community’s 70th birthday.

They were all kidnapped by Hamas on Saturday, along with Noam’s partner Dikla and their 17-year-old son Tomer.

Maayan has not heard anything about her family’s safety from any official source. However, she revealed a chilling video posted live on Facebook by Hamas activists.

The clip shows the family sitting inside while militants with machine guns surround them.

Eight-year-old Ella appears particularly distressed as she buries her head in Dikla’s arms, who are protecting her from the Hamas terrorists around her.

Noam is seen with a bandage around his leg. When he is asked to get up, a pool of blood can be seen on the floor around him.

At this point, his other daughter, Dafna, walks toward her younger sister as tears stream down her face.

In the background, the Hamas terrorists can be heard asking for their ID and telling the family that they will “not hurt” the children.

Maayan explained that the terrorists shot her ex-husband Noam in the leg and that she knew Ella had been injured in some way but was unsure of the details.

She said her message to the British Jewish community was simple: “I need my daughters.” I need the world to see us. My daughters are only two girls.

Maayan revealed a chilling video posted live on Facebook by Hamas activists

Maayan revealed a chilling video posted live on Facebook by Hamas activists

The clip shows the family sitting inside while militants with machine guns surround them

The clip shows the family sitting inside while militants with machine guns surround them

Eight-year-old Ella appears particularly distressed as she buries her head in Dikla's arms, who are protecting her from the Hamas terrorists around her

Eight-year-old Ella appears particularly distressed as she buries her head in Dikla’s arms, who are protecting her from the Hamas terrorists around her

Noam is seen with a bandage around his leg.  When he is asked to get up, a pool of blood can be seen on the floor around him

Noam is seen with a bandage around his leg. When he is asked to get up, a pool of blood can be seen on the floor around him

“You woke up in a nightmare. They woke up to a pogrom.

“I tell the world to help Israel, for my daughters, for my family and for all the people who are taken to Gaza.” They are children. They are children.’

This came after a family member shared a heartbreaking video of her two younger cousins, nine-month-old Kfir and four-year-old Ariel, after they were kidnapped by Hamas during the Israeli kibbutz massacre.

Yifat Zailer, 37, from Israel, said six of her relatives were abducted from their kibbutz Nir Oz in southern Israel.

In addition, the two small children named at a press conference by children of British-Israeli hostages on Thursday: Yifat’s aunt Shiri Silberman-Bibas, 30, Shiri’s 37-year-old husband Yarden and their parents Yosi and Margit Silberman are also missing.

The devastating video begins with the young children happily playing and laughing at the camera, with the text “This is my family” written above it.

Old clips show them with their parents and grandparents before their devastating kidnapping.

Ariel blows out candles at his fourth birthday party while Kfir falls asleep in his mother’s arms.

The sweet clips are based on a desperate plea – to bring her family home.

A family member has shared a heartbreaking video of her two younger cousins, nine-month-old Kfir and four-year-old Ariel, after they were abducted by Hamas

A family member has shared a heartbreaking video of her two younger cousins, nine-month-old Kfir and four-year-old Ariel, after they were abducted by Hamas

Four-year-old Ariel was devastatingly abducted from Kibbutz Nir Oz in southern Israel

Four-year-old Ariel was devastatingly abducted from Kibbutz Nir Oz in southern Israel

Ariel's younger brother, nine-month-old Yfir, was also kidnapped

Ariel’s younger brother, nine-month-old Yfir, was also kidnapped

Yifat Zailer, 37, from Israel, said six of her relatives were abducted from their kibbutz Nir Oz in southern Israel

Yifat Zailer, 37, from Israel, said six of her relatives were abducted from their kibbutz Nir Oz in southern Israel

At the end of the video, Yifat adds, “Don’t let these hang with our last memories. ‘Don’t take away my sunshine.’

Underneath the video shared on her Instagram, Yifat wrote: “This is my family.”

“I want you to hear Kfir’s beautiful laugh and see Ariel’s beautiful smile.”

“Please distribute and share this as often as possible so that it reaches all the mothers and fathers in the world who still think that this catastrophe that has befallen us is justified.”

‘I thank you’.

The children were abducted from their home near the Gaza border by Hamas terrorists last Saturday.

A harrowing video shows Shiri clinging to her two sons before terrorists dragged the screaming family from their home in Kibbutz Nir Oz in southern Israel.

Shiri and her husband Yarden, armed only with a pistol, had desperately sprinted to their safe room with their two young children when they heard the gunmen trying to break down their front door.

Yarden had reportedly texted his relatives “I love you all” as they sought shelter as militants fired semi-automatic weapons outside their window. Half an hour later he texted menacingly, “They’re coming in,” before communications stopped.

The family has not been heard from since, and Shiri’s parents, Yosi and Margit Silberman, who are in their late 60s, are also missing and fear they will be kidnapped.

A video later emerged showing the distraught mother clutching her two children as they were kidnapped, with no sign of their father, as horrified onlookers screamed: “She’s having a baby.”

Social media footage of Shiri sobbing as she, nine-month-old Ariel and four-year-old Kfir are taken away by militants has caused a global stir and drawn comparisons between Hamas and the Islamic State.

The mother’s horrified expression and images of her innocent sons in happier times have been used by protesters around the world to illustrate the terror Hamas is inflicting on Israel.

Shiri and her husband Yarden are seen with their two children before the devastating kidnapping

Shiri and her husband Yarden are seen with their two children before the devastating kidnapping

Margit and Yosi Yarden and Shiri

Nothing has been heard from the grandparents Margit and Yosi or the parents Yarden and Shiri since Saturday

Ariel is seen blowing out birthday candles on his fourth birthday

Ariel is seen blowing out birthday candles on his fourth birthday

Shiri and her young boys were forced into armored vehicles after their village was stormed by Hamas fighters

Shiri and her young boys were forced into armored vehicles after their village was stormed by Hamas fighters

The whereabouts of four-year-old Ariel and nine-month-old Kfir are unknown after Hamas terrorists kidnapped their family The whereabouts of four-year-old Ariel and nine-month-old Kfir are unknown after Hamas terrorists kidnapped their family

The whereabouts of four-year-old Ariel and nine-month-old Kfir are unknown after Hamas terrorists kidnapped their family

Hamas left a trail of destruction, including blood-soaked children's beds, in a number of kibbutzes near the Gaza border

Hamas left a trail of destruction, including blood-soaked children’s beds, in a number of kibbutzes near the Gaza border

Israel's death toll has passed 1,000 as the country plots bloody revenge on the people of Gaza

Israel’s death toll has passed 1,000 as the country plots bloody revenge on the people of Gaza

Distraught Israelis at a vigil outside Downing Street in London held up pictures of the mother and her boys being kidnapped, with a poster saying: “Let the children go.”

The missing grandmother Margit is a kindergarten teacher who suffers from Parkinson’s disease and supposedly urgently needs her medication.

Dismayed relatives expressed their horror at the sight of the footage. Shiri’s cousin Yosi told Sky News that his family member’s disappearance made him “aspire to fight.”

“When I first saw the pictures I couldn’t believe it,” he said. “I couldn’t understand what I was seeing, then I look at another picture and it was very clear that it was my cousin Shiri and the two little children.”

“My fear is that they have separated them, they have separated them, they have killed them, that they are injured, that we will not see them again, that we will not even get any information from them and that we in this matter will remain empty forever.’

Shiri’s niece Yifat, who spoke to The New York Times, said she would not rest until her relatives returned home.

“I just hope that they’re alive and that they’re together. And I want them to be home with me so I can give them a big hug again,” she said.

“We feel like those in charge don’t know what to do because this is a situation we’ve never been in before.” “That’s the feeling in Israel,” she added. “It is a disaster.”

According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Hamas is preventing civilians from leaving the northern Gaza Strip while hundreds of thousands flee for their lives.

Two trucks block a road to the southern region while a huge convoy of vehicles forms behind them, as seen in aerial images released by the IDF.

About 1.2 million desperate Palestinians are fleeing the Gaza Strip, crowding into cars and donkey carts as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to reduce the area to “rubble.”

Israel dropped leaflets warning people around the clock to leave Gaza City “immediately” and “use the short time to move south from Beit Hanoun to Khan Yunis.”

Aerial images released by the Israeli Defense Forces show two vehicles blocking a road as a huge queue of vehicles forms

Aerial images released by the Israeli Defense Forces show two vehicles blocking a road as a huge queue of vehicles forms

According to the IDF, Hamas blocked a number of vehicles attempting to leave the northern region of Gaza City

According to the IDF, Hamas blocked a number of vehicles attempting to leave the northern region of Gaza City

Israel continues to station soldiers, tanks and armored vehicles near the Gaza border in Sderot, Israel

Israel continues to station soldiers, tanks and armored vehicles near the Gaza border in Sderot, Israel

A fireball erupts during an Israeli bombardment in the northern Gaza Strip on October 14

A fireball erupts during an Israeli bombardment in the northern Gaza Strip on October 14

The IDF said Hamas had warned civilians to evacuate and is now blocking a route to the south as the Israeli military prepares an air, land and sea attack on the terrorist group as troops surround the Gaza Strip. The Gaza border town of Sderot will be evacuated at 11am today as people are loaded onto buses.

IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said: “Hamas is actively preventing civilians from leaving the south.”

“If this isn’t the most sinister and heinous use of civilians in war, I don’t know what is, but it shows once again that the terrorist organization lacks any value for human life.”

Residents of Sderot are loaded onto buses as the military expels civilians from settlements near the border. Israeli authorities hope to limit the number of victims by moving residents out of harm’s way.

But Hamas rockets are targeting cities like Tel Aviv and have hit the northern city of Haifa, according to witnesses.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) warned that Gaza was being “plumbed into the abyss.”

UNRWA communications director Juliette Touma told the BBC: “This is the worst we have ever seen. We are reaching rock bottom.” Gaza is plunged into the abyss, a tragedy unfolds as the world watches. This is Gaza.’

She added: “According to colleagues on the ground, there is an exodus.” People are leaving. Those who can go by car, some walk, others carry mattresses.

“People are scared,” she said. ‘Scared.’

An Israeli mobile artillery unit fires a shell from southern Israel towards the Gaza Strip

An Israeli mobile artillery unit fires a shell from southern Israel towards the Gaza Strip

On October 14, Israeli heavy tanks are spotted in a staging area near Sderot, Israel

On October 14, Israeli heavy tanks are spotted in a staging area near Sderot, Israel

Palestinian boys look at the damage after an Israeli military attack on the Rafah refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip

Palestinian boys look at the damage after an Israeli military attack on the Rafah refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip

Israeli forces, aided by an increasing deployment of American warships in the region, have positioned themselves along the border with Gaza, waging a broad campaign to dismantle the militant group, Israel said.

A week of devastating air strikes has destroyed entire neighborhoods but has failed to stop militant militias’ rocket fire on Israel.

The military says it is trying to clear out civilians, including in what it says are underground hideouts in Gaza City, ahead of a major campaign against Hamas militants in the north. Hamas urged people to stay in their homes.

Mr Netanyahu met with troops on the Gaza border and showed them in a video: ‘Are you ready for the next stage?’ The next stage is coming.’

Ahead of the expected ground invasion of Gaza that has displaced some 400,000 civilians, he urged viewers to remember “how this all started – this is all done by Hamas,” he said.

Gaza’s health ministry said 2,329 Palestinians have been killed since fighting broke out.

More than 1,300 Israelis were killed, the vast majority of them civilians, killed in Hamas’ first attack on October 7.

The United States announced overnight that it would send a second aircraft carrier group to the eastern Mediterranean to act as a deterrent as the possibility of the conflict escalating into a regional war increases.

An Israel Defense Forces spokesman told CNN that rescuing the hostages, who are “most likely” being held underground in a “sophisticated network of tunnels,” was the top priority of the military operation.