1697396919 Middle East the Arab League sounds the alarm there is

Middle East, the Arab League sounds the alarm: there is a risk of genocide in Gaza

Middle East the Arab League sounds the alarm there is

The Israeli army’s planned invasion of Gaza “could lead to genocide on an unprecedented scale.” This is the alarm expressed by the leaders of the Arab League and the African Union in a joint statement. Both organizations called on “the United Nations and the international community to stop the catastrophe unfolding before us before it is too late.”

There is no debate about that.  Levy reveals Israel's true plan

The Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, in a speech to the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, called on him to use his political and moral weight to prevent the forced relocation of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip Crimes under international law. This was reported by the Palestinian news agency Wafa. “This new crime has exceeded all appropriate limits and will result in unlimited suffering for our Palestinian brothers living in the Gaza Strip, in addition to a blatant and blatant violation of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the occupying power from taking coercive measures.” Transfers “said Aboul Gheit, according to whom what Israel is doing is not a planned or deliberate military operation, but rather a terrible act of revenge. Aboul Gheit appealed to Guterres, and through him to Security Council member states, “to condemn and firmly and clearly condemn this stupid Israeli attempt to relocate the population, and to work diligently with all influential parties to stop its implementation.” “