Israel finds manual with Hamas attack instructions com

Israel finds manual with Hamas attack instructions .com

Soldiers captured weapons from terrorists Menahem Kahana/AFP October 15, 2023

The Israeli army said on Sunday (15) that it had found “hundreds” of documents and materials from the Israeli army Terror group Hamas with instructions for the October 7 attack on Israeli territory that killed more than 1,400 people, most of them civilians.

The military statement said the operations manual was found, as well as encrypted phones, telecommunications equipment and documents containing spy information distributed among Hamas militants.

This material included “detailed orders” to attack Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip, as well as leaflets.

The manual describes coordinated actions, the phases of the attack on the 7th and key words, and there is a section dedicated to the abduction of civilians in locations near Gaza, the Israeli army revealed.

At the same time, the Israeli military claims to have found a detailed plan to carry out the attack on Kibbutz Alumim with the body of a Hamas member on Israeli soil.

The Israeli army stated that reservists from Unit 8,200 have been part of a working group since the 7th to examine, analyze and examine a number of objects collected from the bodies of Hamas members.

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The Israeli government distributes to the media a photo with a piece of paper in Arabic that appears to indicate the attack plan of the Hamas cell that managed to infiltrate Kibbutz Alumim.

This document states that the goal was to “cause as much damage as possible” and take hostages. In addition, the infiltrated group was given instructions to gather in the center of the kibbutz, concentrate the hostages in one location, and attack the defense forces on the outskirts.

Alumim was one of the Israeli communities near Gaza that Islamists were able to enter during the October 7 surprise attack, leading to an escalation of hostilities that claimed more casualties in a week than the twomonth war in 2014.

Israeli army retaliatory attacks left 2,670 people dead and 9,600 injured in Gaza, while 56 Palestinians were killed in gunfire by Israeli security forces and ultraZionist settlers in the West Bank.

Watch the actions of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip this Sunday (15)

Israeli Army troops are constantly on the move on the country’s border with Gaza and Lebanon this Sunday morning (15). In the photo above, a tank is positioned in northern Israel near the border with Lebanon, where Hezbollah terrorists are carrying out attacks against Israel. With the end of a new extended deadline for Gaza’s population to leave the region’s north, the Israeli army is preparing to invade the area dominated by Hamas terrorists

Jalaa Marey/AFP October 15, 2023

Israeli drone flies over Israel’s border with Gaza this Sunday (15)

Jack Guez/AFP October 15, 2023

Israeli armored vehicles are positioned in the north of the country, near the border with Lebanon

Jalaa Marey/AFP October 15, 2023

Israeli tanks, this Sunday (15), in the north of the country. More than 300,000 troops are spread across the Gaza Strip, the area controlled by the terrorist group Hamas

Jalaa Marey/AFP October 15, 2023

Israeli tank and soldier near Gaza this Sunday

Jalaa Marey/AFP October 15, 2023

Israel’s drone flight over the Gaza Strip

Jack Guez/AFP October 15, 2023

Israeli soldiers in a tank parked near the Gaza Strip


Israeli armored vehicles move on the border with Gaza this Sunday (15).