The 4 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Will Improve Starting This

The 4 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Will Improve Starting This Week

Focus on what is real and long-lasting in your romantic relationship as you prepare for a deeper connection. Everything you have recently learned is now behind you, but to be free from the lessons of the past, you must trust that a new era lies ahead. This is where logic and love come into play as you can build a relationship from the best of both perspectives.

During the week of October 16, asteroid Juno moves into the zodiac sign Virgo, connecting with Venus and helping to bring about deeper commitment and healing to the recent challenges you have faced. While Venus rules matters of the heart, Virgo governs marriage and the arrangements that come with a long-term commitment, whether you tie the knot or not.

Since Juno and Venus are both in the Virgo zodiac sign, there is a strong attraction to the person you can see by your side in all the different phases of your life.

This is not a time for casual flings or even romantic rendezvous, but rather a concentrated energy focused on whether you can imagine growing older with your partner, getting married, or simply supporting each other in whatever that entails life inevitably brings with it. Virgo brings with it an excellent ability to heal. However, it is also an earth sign, which means that love is not a sufficient reason for commitment, but instead the informed awareness of why you and your partner are truly spiritually connected.

Juno in Virgo helps you understand what about your relationship and your partner adds value to your life. Instead of simply saying you’re in love with them, it’s about the complementary energy they bring, how they are your biggest supporters, or how they help you get out of your comfort zone and try new things.

Although love is a romantic feeling, the decision to commit must be logical as it is not only a matter of the heart but also about how two people’s lives can intertwine to strengthen each other. As Juno moves into Virgo and joins Venus, the goddess of love, this will help you view your relationship with love and logic as you begin to take steps toward a deeper bond.

Horoscopes for the four zodiac signs that will see improvements in their relationships during the week of October 16-22, 2023:

1. Pisces

(February 19th – March 20th)

Looking at your relationship from a more logical perspective can be daunting at first because you’re more comfortable viewing everything through the lens of romance and magic. Over the past year, you have done a lot of self-work to help heal the need for relationships based on illusions as you become better at managing boundaries and emotional vulnerability. When you begin to recognize and acknowledge the long-term potential of a relationship, you can create the love you have always wanted.

Virgo energy rules over matters related to love and relationships. When Juno joins Venus here, it means not only new love emerging or being rekindled, but a real commitment that can last a lifetime. Remember that love can be magical and constant. In the past, you chose relationships solely based on the magic or uniqueness of a connection, but often had to live alone for much of your real life. Even if it all served a purpose, realize that while you can have both, it’s up to you to set a precedent.

As Juno begins to ignite your desire for commitment, you can approach love as your authentic self. Allow yourself to embrace all of your unique qualities and needs from the start, because if love is truly to last, you will fall in love with who you are, not what you sometimes thought you needed to be. By doing this and continuing to respect the authenticity and stability you need, you can also foster the sense of divine love that makes you the heartfelt romantic you are.

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2. Taurus

(April 20 – May 20)

You’ve been waiting for joy to take center stage, especially after a strong Venus in Leo retrograde that impacted your relationship and personal life. There may have been a lot of changes for you lately, but things in your love life are finally starting to balance out enough for you to feel gratitude for everything you’ve been through lately. This means that joy returns to your love life and commitment when you see a greater purpose behind everything.

Venus in Leo brought up themes of truth, healing and authenticity in your relationship and your healing. But when Venus moved into Virgo a few weeks ago, you felt like you could finally breathe again and suddenly everything that seemed hopeless seemed to blossom into new beginnings. As asteroid Juno moves into Virgo and joins Venus, you’ll see opportunities to enjoy more moments with your partner and finally feel like you’re both on the same wavelength again.

It is the most challenging moment where you can experience your partner and even yourself at your worst. While it’s not a romantic idea, it will help strengthen your connection beyond luxurious dinners and passionate interludes. Take what you’ve been through and find the reason why, because even though you weren’t sure if this relationship would last at one point, it seems like you’re closer now than ever before. This isn’t just a temporary bliss, but something you can continue to nurture as it grows into the love you’ve always wanted – and that can last forever.

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3. Gemini

(May 21 – June 20)

With the new lunar eclipse cycle in Aries and Libra, these themes will be woven into your romantic life well into 2025. Still, you don’t have to wait until then to get the most out of the relationship you’ve built. You have been on your journey this year, allowing yourself to become more vulnerable and even move away from what you thought you wanted so that you can embrace what is truly true to you. As you begin a new week, you are ready to honestly commit to a relationship that you know will enhance your life and allow you to improve.

When Juno joins Venus in Virgo, it will highlight a continuation of your healing journey and bring domestic intimacy into your relationship that has never existed before. This is the space where, instead of learning lessons through love that bring heartbreak, loss, or lack, you learn how to embrace, build together, and sincerely embrace the relationship you have in your life. This is a powerful energy as your healing journey now shifts from learning many lessons the hard way to enjoying what love is truly meant to represent.

Remember that you deserve love to come into your life and try not to question or doubt it too much. You don’t have to rush into an elopement or engagement, but take a risk with this love. You’ve made the effort to attract something new into your life, and now it’s time for you to allow yourself to enjoy it.

It’s okay if you sometimes feel like you don’t know how to have this healthy kind of love, but admit that you’ll discuss it with your partner. Then the only thing you need to do is open your heart to receive everything you have ever wanted. When it’s right, you know it and don’t have to work hard to create something that’s meant to be.

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4. Aquarius

(January 20th – February 18th)

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As your relationship heals and grows, you tend to question whether you should run away. As an air sign, it’s common for your contact to lose connection during stressful moments or at least feel like you need more space in your relationship. But in moments of challenging love, the most important thing you can do is lean into your partner and not stray from them when they are still showing that they can provide you with a safe space. But in order to commit to it, you also need to feel confident enough to trust them, which is what you’ve been particularly focused on lately.

Juno and Venus in Virgo create the perfect atmosphere for healing as you allow yourself to foster a greater depth of emotional intimacy by consciously choosing to embrace transformation in your relationship. It often seems as if changes in relationship dynamics are only ever seen from a negative side. But whether you’re dating or in a committed relationship, whether you’re separated or living together, each offers a powerful period of transformation.

The further you move away from the Venus in Leo retrograde journey that brought many changes and moments of reflection in your romantic relationship, the more you also begin to understand that you had to go through everything to get to this place of love I’m in now.

You should take on the challenges that Venus in Leo has raised by consciously opening up more deeply to your partner and engaging more in conversations about the future. With Virgo’s energy being activated so intensely right now, there is great potential for increased intimacy and commitment, especially as it relates to a significant new phase in your life.

Often, Virgo energy brings another great love and commitment into your life after you have ended a long-term relationship or even divorced. It is not the brilliant, radiant perspective of first love, but the experienced and conscious decision to go all out with love again. Sometimes it takes a few tries before you feel like you’ve finally got it right, but once you get it, it’s guaranteed to be worth it.

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Kate Rose is an author, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life intuitive consultant and retreat curator. You can find more information about her work on her website.