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Trump sues London sex party dossier news

Former US President Donald Trump wants to launch a civil case in London to refute allegations that he attended sex parties in Russia. He will present relevant evidence, his lawyer said today at the High Court in London, according to the British news agency PA.

The lawsuit concerns a dossier on former British secret service officer Christopher Steele that was made public in 2017. Among other things, it cites reports that the Russian secret service has footage of Trump’s alleged participation in sex parties in Russia and the remains available as printed material. One report focuses on an alleged party with prostitutes at a Moscow hotel in 2013.

Reports always denied

Trump has always denied such information and is now suing the consulting firm Orbis Business Intelligence, founded by Steele, in London. The former president, 77 years old and promising candidate for the US Republican candidacy in next year’s presidential elections, accuses the company of illegally using private data – and demands compensation for the loss of reputation suffered. Trump wants to restore his reputation, his lawyer said, according to PA.

Lawyers for the opposing party, however, argue that the dossier was never intended for the public. Trump’s legal action must therefore be directed against the website BuzzFeed, which published the document for the first time.