Guy Latraverses death Local artists pay tribute to him on

Guy Latraverse’s death: Local artists pay tribute to him on social networks

Following the death of Guy Latraverse, the “father of Quebec show business,” many local artists continue to pay tribute to him on social media.

• Also read: Quebec’s “Father of Show Business,” Guy Latraverse, is no more

The departure of agent and producer Guy Latraverse, who also stood out for speaking publicly about his diagnosis of bipolar disorder, prompted several local artists to want to dedicate a few words to him.

His sister, actress Louise Latraverse, left a message on her Facebook wall on Monday morning:

He was hardworking, my brother. Always there! One foot on the big steep stairs, another foot on the stage. Diane wanted her diary to be displayed in the museum! A scribe! Its beautiful text! A painting! Every day-to-day detail has been written with care and clarity. His beautiful intelligence! xxx»

Yves Jacques

Rest in peace Guy Latraverse!»

Mara Tremblay

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me personally, share with me, and encourage me to overcome the ups and downs of my bipolar when fifteen years ago no one was talking about it. Without you, I certainly wouldn’t be able to carry it with so much strength and love for myself.»

Bruno Pelletier

Goodbye Guy Latraverse, a pillar of our community and a great gentleman! Thank you for everything!»

Boucar Diouf

It was with great sadness that I learned of Guy Latraverse’s death through a call from his daughter Zoé. A guy who was a gentleman, a good man, a nice man. I met him at the Grand Rire de Québec in the early 2000s and played a few comedy numbers for him. He liked what I did. He offered to take me to Montreal and produced me at Petit Medley in 2005. It was still a helping hand that was very crucial to the rest of my story on stage.»

Marina Orsini

Goodbye, dear guy… Condolences to you, dear Zoé and Louise… and to the whole family. REST IN PEACE. #GuyLatraverse One of the pillars of the local entertainment industry.»

PA Methot

Thanks, Guy. Bon Voyage

Guy Latraverse

Dominic Champagne

I wish my sincere condolences to Monique, Zoé, Simon, Rose, Louise, Michèle, Monica and all friends and accomplices. We lose a part of ourselves. But we know: when the body leaves, the spirit remains. The cathedral that he built, devoting his entire life to it, rises tonight before eternity. Thank you a thousand times a billion, my friend, for being that man. With a great pain in my soul I hear you exclaim again, with sparkling eyes and overflowing hearts: Wonderful!»

Pierre Seguin

The great Guy Latraverse is gone. A monument to our show business! Not less. An inspiration for me, I worked with him a lot. He is behind so many cultural events that it would be too long to list them here. I wish Monique and the children Louise and Michèle my sincerest sympathy and full support in this ordeal. We just lost the father of our modern show business. Respect»