Chinas head of state Xi rolls out the red carpet

China’s head of state, Xi, rolls out the red carpet for Putin in Beijing and…

At the Belt and Road Forum, China positions itself as an alternative to the West. The guest of honor is the President of Russia.

Russian state television has already set up its temporary studio on the Great Wall of China. Since Monday, the moderators and guests of the interview have praised the Sino-Russian friendship against a breathtaking backdrop. Significantly, the RT (formerly Russia Today) special report says: “Putin in China: Synchronizing Agendas.” And if the Russian president travels to China on Tuesday, despite an international arrest warrant, then it appears that there is currently no political adjustment between Beijing and Moscow.

The reason for Putin’s trip is the “One Belt, One Road” forum in Beijing, which will open with a speech by the Chinese head of state, Xi Jinping, on Wednesday. The event, in which more than 130 government representatives are expected, mainly from the global south, is considered the most important diplomatic event of the year in China.

Non-transparent event