Ferrari: “Laugh story, miserable attacks.” They put 25 stitches in my face”

Paola Ferrari, a well-known face of football on Rai, spoke about the world of sport while also focusing on the personal attacks to which she is often subjected.

Gaetano Brunetti16. Oct 2023 6:29 p.m

Paola Ferrarihistorical face of football in Rai, spoke in an interview with Il Messaggero about the world of football, but also about his private life: “World of sexist football? Even though many things have changed, yes. Take age. It’s disturbing.” I underline it because it implies that in some media, such as television, women should only be accepted if they are young and beautiful. Does this also apply to men? No. Everyone works until retirement without any problems. Nobody you talk about in a dream is old, has a white belly or a white beard.”

But somehow she suffers from it all: the bright lights, the tricks, the touch-ups… “Everyone uses the lights, this story makes you laugh. They are terrible attacks. But I’m prepared: I’ll defend myself.” anything and I don’t care.

In 2019 he suffered from facial cancer: how could he cure it? “Good. I was afraid that they would take away half of my face, they gave me 25 stitches, and I don’t rule out intervening in the future. Everyone does what they want, I don’t judge. There’s no way I would do that. “For example, get my breasts done.”