Lulas government has set itself a trap by positioning itself

Lula’s government has set itself a trap by positioning itself as a mediator of a solution in Israel Política Estadão

O Lula government He set a trap for himself: to position himself as the great articulator of at least a humanitarian emergency solution to the war in Israel. If an amicable solution is reached UN Security Council, it will be a complete success. What if it doesn’t come out? The opposition is ready to broadcast from the rooftops and around the world that it was the opposite: a resounding failure.

In the reality that goes beyond the political and diplomatic versions, the rotating presidency of the Security Council for a single month does not transform Brazil into a great negotiator, a general solver of world problems. His role is simply that of a coordinator. Important? Yes, but those who continue to call the shots, make decisions and set the conditions for resolutions are the powerful ones. The same as always.

The conflict arising from the Hamas terrorist attack and Israel’s response has been debated in the UN Security Council in recent days. Photo: Ariel Schalit/AP Photo

The United States, as always, is at the forefront, not only ratifying its alliance with Israel, but also opening intensive negotiations with the Palestinian Authority and Arab countries. The news is Russia’s diplomatic attack, which does the same thing, but in reverse: Vladimir Putin, an ally of the Palestinian cause, spoke this Monday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after speaking with Iran, Egypt, Syria and Abbas.

Therefore, the Council presents the new phase of the conflict between the USA and Russia against the background of the Ukraine war. Which suggests that agreement and consensus are impossible or at least a postponement is requested, as this Monday. But it’s not the end of the world. The Council can meet at any time tomorrow or the day after, especially because the negotiations are hectic and there is at least one positive fact: Israel has already suspended its apparent intention to invade Gaza by land, air and sea two or three times. It’s already a victory.

Chancellor Mauro Vieira led the meeting on Friday in New York, but is in Brasília to personally update the information with President Lula, the risk group formed in Itamaraty and the Senate. He only returns to the USA on Wednesday. Until then, Brazil’s UN ambassador Sérgio Danese will take over the work.

Brazil heads the Security Council in October and will discuss the conflict in Israel again this Monday 16, under the presidency of Sérgio Danese. Photo: Andrew Kelly/Portal

Regardless of the outcome of the negotiations in the Security Council, the comparison with Jair Bolsonaro’s foreign policy disaster in the ten months of Lula’s government has never been so obvious or so sharp. Between the Itamaraty of the absurd Chancellor Ernesto Araújo and the welloiled and active Mauro Vieira and between the incredible President Bolsonaro, who has made Brazil an international pariah, and a Lula who slips here and there but knows what’s going on and about international credibility, no, there is something to discuss.

If the Security Council gives Brazil a “sounding defeat,” as the opposition hopes, or a “sounding victory,” as the government dreams, it is a fact that Brazilian diplomacy is correct in the negotiations and exemplary in rescuing the Brazilians in partnership traded with FAB. And in the end, defeat or victory will not be for Brazil, but for the Middle East and a world in such a conflict. It is better to always hope for victory.