Carlos Corona attacks his father in a video with Nina

Carlos Corona attacks his father in a video with Nina Moric. “On TV for the money and for his ego. Not my mother…

Deny Fabrizio Corona’s interview with “Belve” and tell their truth. This is the meaning of the video story published on social media by Nina Moric and her son Carlos, in which the two appear united and complicit like never before. “I have nothing against the people on Instagram,” the boy begins. “You’ve always had to deal with the Instagram people, you crazy,” the mother replies with a laugh, before getting serious and turning to the actual question. “Whoever spoke,” he says, referring to Corona’s words on Francesca Fagnani’s show, when he accused the former Croatian model of complete disinterest in her son. “What do you want from me?” Carlos replies. “Well done, dear, what do you want from me, the best answer you can say – continues Moric – because the others are talking nonsense. Whoever described you wanted to describe themselves, not you. When he is questioned, the son does not shy away and goes on the counterattack, and the target is his father, even if he never mentions him.

“Whoever spoke was interested in going on TV and getting paid,” the boy explains, “and saying things to satisfy his ego.” In my opinion, I want to tell things like that they are. The problem is that people have a distorted view of things, partly because of me. What they say that my mother disappeared is not so, and there is no war, no one has offended or offended anyone, there has been a lot of talk. I can see my father and mother whenever I want, we are civilized people. There is no conflict, the things reported are misrepresented, they are not reliable things.” In short, there is no ongoing war between Corona and Moric and even the story of the alleged theft (in 2022, the former paparazzo had in one Video on Instagram said that his ex-wife stole 50,000 euros from him, editor’s note) is disputed by Carlos.

“There was no theft of any kind, believe it or not, I have none of it. However, I would like to say that it is important to do things with freedom and spontaneity because you feel it and want to do it. Even if the boy’s speeches seem a bit confused, the message is clear: in the interview with “Belve” Corona did not tell the truth, at least as far as the relationship between son and mother is concerned. “You know that sleep is important, dear people who work and fight, good night and a hug,” Carlos concludes ironically in the clip, greeting the people of Instagram.