South America is divided on the issue of war between

South America is divided on the issue of war between Israel and Hamas

Seven Argentines, three Peruvians, two Chileans… The Hamas attack in Israel resulted in the deaths of several South American citizens, almost fifteen in total. But not all South American governments take the same approach when it comes to condemning Hamas or supporting the State of Israel in its response. Fissures have emerged and this new war in the Middle East is dividing South America

Published on: October 17, 2023 – 1:03 p.m

2 minutes

“I visited the Auschwitz concentration camp and today I see its replica in Gaza.” This is the very strong statement made by Colombian President Gustavo Petro on his social networks on October 9, in which he did not condemn the Hamas attack on Israel.

These comments were deemed anti-Semitic by Israel and caused the Hebrew state, Bogota’s main arms supplier, to halt its exports. Israeli Ambassador Dali Dagan, based in the Colombian capital, reacted sharply, accusing Petro of “supporting the atrocities committed by Hamas.”

Scientists and center-left personalities also distanced themselves from the president’s statements in terms of content and, above all, form. They criticize President Petro for his reckless handling of the X network.

The Colombian right followed in the footsteps of the critics and recalled that Gustavo Petro was a guerrilla in his youth, our correspondent in Bogoto reports. Marie-Eve Detoeuf.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro condemned Israel’s “genocide” against Palestinians in Gaza. He then also promised to deliver 30 tons of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people, without specifying a date or exact destination.

Other, more nuanced reactions

The reactions of other countries on the continent are more nuanced. Ecuador, Chile and Mexico clearly condemn the Hamas offensive and support the two-state solution. The same is true in Brazil, where the 20% of evangelicals in the population who have significant electoral weight support Israel.

Finally, Uruguay stands out and unilaterally supports the Jewish state. “Uruguay is one of Israel’s most important friends in Latin America,” the head of Israeli diplomacy said back in August. At the time, Uruguay had just opened a diplomatic office in Jerusalem, the capital claimed by the Jewish state. Only four other countries have made this choice.