Please take me home the first video of an Israeli

“Please take me home”, the first video of an Israeli held hostage by Hamas in Gaza News

“My daughter needs medical attention, but she is a warrior, she is a fighter. I know that he will not give up and that he encourages the other hostages,” he said in a press conference Tel Aviv Keren Sherf Shem, Maya’s motherthe French-Israeli girl who was kidnapped by Hamas returning from a party in Sderot, near the Strscia, and appeared in a video yesterday.

In the images released by Hamas and published by Haaretz, the 21-year-old gives her name and says she is in Gaza. “Early Saturday morning I returned from a party in the Sderot area. I was seriously injured in my hand. They took me to Gaza and put me in the hospital for three hours. They looked after me and gave me medication. I just ask you to take me home to my family, to my parents, to my brothers as soon as possible. Please get me out of here as quickly as possible,” says the hostage.

Video Hamas releases its first video with an Israeli hostage in Gaza

In her appeal, the girl’s mother explains that she previously did not know whether her daughter was alive or dead: “Now I have proof that she is alive,” although she is “scared and suffering. I pray to the world to bring my little girl home.” “She was just at a party. She’s not the only one, this is a war crime.” And then he adds: “You can see that she says what she is told.”

The woman explains that she trusts “that Israel will do everything it can to bring all of our children home.” “My daughter needs medical attention, but she is a warrior, she is a fighter. I know that she will not give up and that she encourages the other hostages,” explains the woman. “I know all mothers say their daughter is the best in the world, but she is a really special girl.” Finally, his message to his daughter, giving in to emotions: “My message to Maya is: I love you so much a lot and I miss you.”

The negotiator for the families: “Hamas names the price for the hostages”

“We have asked for corridors to bring the hostages home,” but without offering compensation. “Hamas must tell us that it is ready and what the price is. We have not yet received an answer.” This was said by Yaakov Peri, former head of the Shin Bet and member of the negotiating team of the Forum of the Families of the Hostages and Missing Persons of the October 7 Attack, in conversation with some journalists, including ANSA, on the sidelines of the attack Press conference by the parents of Maya Shem, the kidnapped girl seen on video yesterday.

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