Palestinian Authority President cancels meeting with Biden after Gaza hospital

Palestinian Authority President cancels meeting with Biden after Gaza hospital attack

Mahmoud Abbas, who traveled to the West Bank, called an urgent meeting for Tuesday evening; At least 300 people were killed in an attack on a hospital unit

Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images/AFPUS President Joe Biden speaks during a meeting at the White House
Joe Biden will meet with the President of Israel and Arab leaders at the summit in Amman this Wednesday the 18th

The President of the Palestinian Authority (ANP), Mahmoud Abbascanceled this Tuesday the 17th the meeting he would have with the President of the United States. Joe Biden, which would take place this Wednesday 18th in the city of Amman. The decision comes after a bomb attack AlAhli HospitalAt least 300 people were killed in the north of the Gaza Strip, according to the region’s health ministry. According to the presidential statement published by Wafa, the official Palestinian news agency, “the President decided to suspend his visit to Jordan and immediately return to national soil after holding an urgent meeting with the Palestinian leadership this evening.” . king Abdullah IIfrom Jordan, and the President of Egypt, Abdul Fatah Khalil AlSisiThey were expected to attend the meeting along with Abbas and Biden. Shortly after Abbas’ announcement, the Jordanian king also canceled his participation in the summit. Although the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have accused Israel of being responsible for the attack, the Israeli army has attributed the bombing to the Islamic Jihad group, a Palestinian militia.

He continues to follow Joe Biden’s agenda and is expected to visit Israel on Wednesday and meet with the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In an official statement, the White House states: “The President extends his sincerest condolences to the innocent people who lost their lives in the bombing of the hospital in Gaza and hopes that those injured will recover quickly.” He intends to do so soon “To personally meet with these leaders (of Arab countries) and commits to maintaining direct and continuous contact with each of them in the coming days.”