Discover the Qassam rockets that Israel says hit a hospital

Discover the Qassam rockets that Israel says hit a hospital in the Gaza Strip Internacional Estadão

Most likely, a Qassam missile without a targeting system is responsible Explosion that destroyed AlAhli Hospital in the Gaza Strip last night. Fragments of the weapon used by the terrorist group Hamas According to US intelligence sources, they have been found in the ruins of the medical complex since 2001. Israel.

Kassam missiles come in several versions with ranges of 10 km, 45 km, 80 km and 160 km.

They were developed by Tito Massud and Jidal Farah and are deliberately simple and easy to use. The first were made using plumbing pipes.

Smaller models still use a gelatinous fuel based on glucose, ammonia and potassium nitrate products available on the civilian market. Each piece is 1.80 m and 2.44 m long. The fire base, similar to that of mortars, is attached with curtain rails.

Rockets were fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip. Photo: EFE

They were classified as free missiles and were used in several wildfire operations or in specific attacks.

Usually it is fired in bursts of eight to 24 rockets, aimed at, for example, a square, a fuel depot or a warehouse.

Also since 2020, versions combined with incendiary and shrapnel warheads have been used with some frequency by terrorists from Hamas and other movements such as the violent Islamic Jihad.

Karim Ali, head of the organization’s Libyan branch, unveiled two seemingly underground weapons production lines on social media in April.