Bad Quebec Couch wagon The Journal de Montreal

Bad Quebec! Couch wagon! – The Journal de Montreal

We should have predicted it.

Because it’s always like this: every time Quebec wants to defend its rights or correct an injustice, hey presto! We are slapped on the wrist and threatened with the worst catastrophes.

In 1970, three days before the PQ entered the National Assembly, there was a capital flight with the Brink coup.

And now there is a brain drain.

Would you like to increase tuition fees for English-Canadian students who have the honor of studying at your English-speaking universities?

The research aces will leave Quebec and you will play the banjo!

You will have been looking for it!


Do you want to defend French?

The merchants on Sainte-Catherine Street will close their shops and downtown Montreal will be empty!

Do you want to pass a law on secularism? The veiled teachers will leave Quebec and you must get the nuns out of their convents to teach your children French!

Always the same story…

As soon as Quebec raises his head and stops arching his back, he says: “Go to the corner and lie down!”

Fortunately, there is Canada that protects the rights of minorities in Quebec from the fascist reflexes of the French-speaking majority, otherwise the north of the province would resemble Siberia under Stalin!

And all the while, French Canadians outside Quebec are being treated like nothing by the federal government…

Their schools are woefully underfunded, their hospitals are closing, and the CBC turns to Paris to translate a podcast into French because Canada’s French-speaking comedians (all of whom wear oversized dentures that make a clack-clack sound when they walk like potato chewers). an ancient patois that no one understands…

If Quebec had acted toward its English-speaking minority as Canada did toward its French-speaking minority, the United Nations would have expelled us from the international community long ago.

But this is Canada.

The land of multiculturalism where the Prime Minister has an unlimited budget to dress up as a whirling dervish, papal Swiss Guard and Sultan.

So we say nothing.


Quebec is never open enough, welcoming enough, generous enough.

When it comes to judging ourselves, we always apply the highest possible standards.

It is not enough to cheaply finance the education of Ontarians returning home after their last classes, no!

We have to thank them for choosing Quebec!

“You are so smart that you came to study with us even if we are a bunch of unfriendly fascists! THANKS! Thank you!”

The situation of the French in Quebec is such that a restaurateur in Vaudreuil-Dorion put a sign in the window of his shop to indicate that he served French!

But do not take any measures to protect your tongue, because we will come at you with all our might and insult you!

“Bad Quebec!!! Bad, bad Quebec! Go to your corner!”

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain