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Parliament condemns Hamas attack by a large majority news

Members of the EU Parliament today overwhelmingly adopted a resolution on the war in the Middle East. Parliament strongly condemns Hamas’ terrorist attacks and recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself in accordance with international law. Parliament also calls for an increase in humanitarian aid and a guarantee that no EU funds directly or indirectly finance terrorism.

In the resolution, approved with 500 votes in favor, 21 against and 24 abstentions, the deputies emphasize the need to “eliminate the terrorist organization Hamas”. They also demand the immediate release of all hostages kidnapped by Hamas.

Parliament also highlighted that both the Hamas attacks and the Israeli response risk reinforcing a “vicious circle of violence in the region”.

In the resolution, Parliament expresses its deep concern about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and highlights the importance of distinguishing between the Palestinian people and the terrorist group Hamas. MEPs call on the international community to continue and increase its humanitarian assistance to civilians in the region.

Call for cooperation

They call on Egypt and Israel to work with the international community to establish humanitarian corridors to the Gaza Strip. MEPs also support an increase in humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, but also call on the European Commission to thoroughly review all EU financial aid to the Palestinian territories and the region.

The resolution underlines the need for an immediate resumption of the peace process towards a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders. Iran’s support for Hamas is strongly condemned.