L’Lameque Island is located at the northeastern tip of New Brunswick, Canada.
The Lamèque plain.
The cliffs of Cap-Bateau.
The city (A city is an urban unit (a “human settlement” for…)) of Lamèque.
The island covers an area of approximately 150 km2. It is connected to the south (The south is a cardinal point opposite the north) and the city of Shippagan by a bridge (A bridge is a structure that allows you to cross a depression or obstacle (course…).) and to the north (north is a cardinal point relative to south) to the island of Miscou (Miscou is both an island and a local service district northeast of…) by the Miscou Bridge. The two islands separate the Bay of Chaleurs from the Gulf (Italian golfo, Greek kolpos, fold) is a part of the advanced inland sea, in…) of the Saint Lawrence River. Fishing and extraction of sphagnum peat (Sphagnum is a genus of moss moss, sphagnum moss. It is the only genus of the family of…) are the main economic sectors of the region.
The island of Lamèque, once territory of the Micmacs, is now populated almost exclusively by Acadians. The town of Lamèque (1,580 hours in 2001) is the capital of the island. There are several other small towns around the island, including the village of Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphaël; Cap-Bateau, where the sea (the term sea covers several realities) continuously shapes the sandstone cliffs; and Sainte-Cécile, whose church (The church can be:), with its colorful interior and excellent acoustic qualities, is the main site of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival. There are also the hamlets of Coteau Road, Pigeon Hill, Pointe-Alexandre, Petite-Lamèque, Chiasson-Savoy, Pointe-Canot and Haut-Lamèque.
The island of Lamèque is a very good place to practice sports such as windsurfing, sailing, kitesurfing and snowkiting.