Dominicans face beating over Israel and Palestine SIN News

Dominicans face beating over Israel and Palestine SIN News

Drafting.- The Dominican citizens coped with blows and shoves the protest against the bombings between Israel and Gaza in Independence Park.

The audiovisual media shows the two Dominican groups, one for Palestine and the other for Israel, fighting, while the others shouted with one voice the slogan “Enough, murderers”.

“Our presence here seeks to prevent these people who support the Palestinians from attempting to enter the altar of the homeland to tarnish our sovereignty and our homeland. We don’t have any war with the Middle East, But we are children of God and therefore we follow Palestine, not Israel,” said Commander Ortiz, who supports Israel.

According to Palestinian supporters, they were the first to announce the event peacefully.

While supporters of Israel claimed that they came to this place to prevent their opponents from entering Independence Park, where the remains of the Founding Fathers rest.

Against this background, National Police agents arrived on site to remedy the situation.