1697820277 Imaginary land in Quebec The false king of Tayos is

Imaginary land in Quebec: The false king of Tayos is still arrested and imprisoned for his online comments –

A 43-year-old man who proclaimed himself king and is trying to convince people to pay to immigrate to his imaginary country called “Tayos” in Quebec has been sent to prison in Chaudière because of his controversial comments on social networks -Appalaches advised.

• Also read: “Kingdom of Tayos” in Quebec: The false king is no longer allowed to use his false name

• Also read: [EN VIDÉO] Imaginary Land in Quebec: The False King of Tayos’ Car Seized by the SQ

“He was arrested on Wednesday afternoon in the parking lot of the Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce courthouse in connection with a violation of the conditions,” Sergeant Ève Brochu-Joubert, spokesman for the Sûreté du Québec (SQ), confirmed to the Journal. .

On the left a police officer being threatened by the self-proclaimed King of Tayos.  On the right is the portrait of the Quebecer Jean-Denis Boudreault, who invented the imaginary state in question.

Sovereign State of Tayos website. SCREENSHOT OF WEBSITE LOCATION

Jean-Denis Boudreault, a 43-year-old father, is currently on trial on charges of repeatedly obstructing or intimidating police officers, harassing them and providing false documents.

In this case, he was first arrested in September at his home in Val-des-Lacs with several weapons. The false king of Tayos was quickly released, but had to respect several conditions, including a ban on communicating with the police or no longer using a document with his false identity as “King Regis Lucius I.”

On the left a police officer being threatened by the self-proclaimed King of Tayos.  On the right is the portrait of the Quebecer Jean-Denis Boudreault, who invented the imaginary state in question.

Area where the fictional state of Tayos will primarily be located. Screenshot from state-of-tayos.com

Death threats

Sergeant Ève Brochu-Joubert states that Jean-Denis Boudreault even threatened to kill SQ police officers at the time. The latter had arrested the Quebecer in July 2023 when he was driving a car with a false Tayos license plate and a false driver’s license from the same imaginary state.

Below is an excerpt from the arrest between the SQ and the “King” of Tayos on July 29th:

“Under these release conditions, he should not refer to the Sûreté du Québec on social networks. He was therefore arrested for this administrative offense,” explains the SQ spokesman.

The Journal actually found a press release from the “Kingdom” of Tayos dated October 3rd. In it, Jean-Denis Boudreault falsely mentions that his imaginary country has brought charges against the SQ.

On the left a police officer being threatened by the self-proclaimed King of Tayos.  On the right is the portrait of the Quebecer Jean-Denis Boudreault, who invented the imaginary state in question.

Press release from the imaginary kingdom of Tayos mentioning the SQ. Screenshot from state-of-tayos.com

“For the next steps, the Tayos courts are now ready to consider the criminal charges brought against the Sûreté du Québec and Garage Beaudoin for the theft of Régis’ vehicle last July. They are also prepared to initiate a judicial review in accordance with the decisions of the Quebec Supreme Court,” the fake document reads.

Arrest warrant issued

According to Jean-Denis Boudreault’s legal file, he committed his crime on October 3rd.

In the video below, Mr. Boudreault explains his motivation for creating a sovereign state:

The court then issued an arrest warrant against him on October 16th. His “Majesty” was eventually arrested by the SQ two days later.

On the left a police officer being threatened by the self-proclaimed King of Tayos.  On the right is the portrait of the Quebecer Jean-Denis Boudreault, who invented the imaginary state in question.

Profile of the now-closed virtual currency company Neuralium, which was owned by Jean-Denis Boudreault. SCREENSHOTS FROM WWW.ZOOMINFO.COM SCREENSHOTS FROM WWW.ZOOM

Mr. Boudreault, who previously ran a cryptocurrency company called “Neuralium Inc.” in Brossard, must appear before the Supreme Court again in this case by the end of the month.

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