What to do on the weekend in Lecco and its

What to do on the weekend in Lecco and its province: the events of October 21 22, 2023 Prima Lecco

Autumn is here, with its colors, its aromas and above all with its colder temperatures. Despite the rain these days and the intense cold after weeks of almost scorching heat this season, events continue to shape our weekends. Here are our tips

What to do in Lecco

The opening of the exhibition is scheduled for Saturday, October 21, 2023, at 2:45 p.m. in the conference room of the Palazzo delle Pauro “Africa Blues” as part of the Immagimondo Festival 2023. Followed by a guided tour of the exhibition in Piazza XX Settembre.

The mobile century. History of illegal immigration in Europe Under this title, the conference will take place on Saturday, October 21, 2023, at 3 p.m. in the Palzzo delle Commercio, again as part of Immagimondo. Here is the Comoleto program of the exhibition’s upcoming events.

One of them is planned for Sunday, October 22, 2023 Trip with the Joelettes to Piani Resinelli. The mountain guides accompany the participants on an intensive experience in Joelette in contact with nature. Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, we will discover that the mountains are accessible to everyone. Click here for all information.

Closed between art, history and literature Sunday October 22, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. Walk in Chiuso to discover the places of Blessed Serafino Morazzone and his fiancée. A guided tour to get to know the exemplary figure of the Ambrosian priest Don Serafino Morazzone and one of the most intimate Manzonian places dear to Alessandro Manzoni, the Canonica del Buon Curato of Chiuso, where one of the most intense scenes from “The Betrothed” takes place: the Transformation of the Unnamed. Strolling through the oldest and most suggestive streets of the village, you will discover Lucia’s refuge, the Tailor’s House. From here, after a short walk, you will reach the small church of San Giovanni Battista, known as the Blessed Serafino: an ancient cemetery church of Romanesque origin that houses valuable 15th century frescoes showing Foppa and Mantegna influences.Book here.

The parish day is planned for Sunday, October 22nd, at 4 p.m. in the Planetraio in Lecco Dome projection on the sky of the month. All initiatives require booking on the website www.deepspace.it. with the exception of Immagimondo, for which booking can be made via the website www.immagimondo.it.


The initiative was confirmed All roads lead to Rapello, promoted by Coop Soc Liberi Sogni, thanks to the project “From Sartirana to the Heart of Monte di Brianza”, in which Coop Soc Il Grigio takes the lead and which is financed by the “Lecco Provincial Development Fund”. Interventions in the historical-artistic and naturalistic field” by the Fondazione Comunitaria del Lecchese Onlus and the Lario Reti Holding. Participants start from different locations (Olgiate Molgora, Airuno, Valgreghentino, Colle Brianza) and then all meet at Cascina Rapello (in Aizurro, a hilly hamlet of Airuno) for a free snack, a convivial outdoor lunch (packed from home or …). upon reservation of the menu proposed by the Cascina) and an afternoon from 1.30 p.m. full of workshops and activities: family circus, small mountain bike routes (available on site) and speed challenges on exercise bikes with the ASD North’n line, planting bulbs and burolata. There is also the opportunity to purchase cakes and cookies from the Calco Parents Committee to support Calco primary and secondary school projects and initiatives.


Two days full of celebration and fun: theOktoberfest. The first edition of the Rossino Oktoberfest is scheduled for next weekend, on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 October 2023, signed by the synergy between Valle San Martino Eventi (in the person of Cristina Valsecchi), the parish of Rossino and the municipality of Calolzio. Click here for the program.


On Saturday, October 21, 2023, at 9 p.m., the theater group “Le Gocce” will present the brilliant comedy in the new Aula Magna on Via A. Longoni “The Pension of Miracles” (Text by Giuseppe Aronne, directed by Margherita Villarusso). The plot is fun. The all-too-quiet life in the small “Pension zum Steinbock” is turned upside down by the arrival of some extravagant guests: a noble poet with servants, a quarrelsome family, a strange worm collector and a few unlikely criminals. A sparkling comedy with numerous twists and turns that holds the viewer’s attention until the final crescendo. Free admission.


come back TASTING OF DERVIO On Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 October 2023, discover the beautiful wine cellars of Dervio and the medieval village of Corenno Plinio, where you can taste quality wines and typical products.

There are 3 routes: GIRO D’ITALIA with wines from different regions from north to south and GIRO DEL LARIO to learn more about the wines produced in the Como region. These first two allow visiting 7 wineries each, located mainly in the historic center of Dervio. The passes cost between €10 and €20. Outside the cellars there are 5 refreshment points with local specialties. Finally, CORENNO DiVino Borgo goes on the excellence tour to taste the best Italian wines. Everything is enlivened by concerts and attractions and on Sundays there is a supervised CHILDREN’S AREA in Dervio (by reservation at the library, tel. 0341804113) while parents visit the cellars. The great news of this edition is the opening of the characteristic Corenno-Plinio cellars, located in the Borgo dei Mille Gradini, which offer excellent wines, Amarone, Barolo, Brunello di Montalcino, Franciacorta and Sforzato, by the glass at the event are served logo and told by sommeliers of the Italian Sommelier Association of Lombardy. The medieval square at the foot of the castle also offers delicious, high-quality tastings paired with selected wines and two blues and jazz concerts. The pass, from €20 to €38, includes, in addition to the 5 rich tastings, transport from Dervio to Corenno and free entry to the enchanting medieval village, an authentic jewel overlooking Lake Como and visited by thousands of tourists. For more information: https://facebook.com/events/s/degustando-dervio-dervio-e-cor/159413250500335/


On Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October, Monte Barro Park will celebrate the anniversary of 40 years since its founding and 10 years of existence of the hostel that completes the tourist and cultural center of the Monte Barro hermitage.


On Sunday, October 22, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., the “Exhibition of antiques, modern art and collectibles”organized by the Pro Loco of Mandello.


As part of the “Merate meets the Author” event, Silvana Rapposelli will present the book with the title on Saturday, October 21, 2023, at 4:30 p.m “Father Emmanuel. Faith and Liturgy” Ed. Mimep Docete 2022.

The “Tutti Insieme a Merate” is back, a non-competitive walk valid for the award of the trophy of the Municipality of Merate in memory of Pierangelo Caglio and Giuseppe Merlini. Organized on Sunday morning, October 22, 2023, by the Asd Merate in collaboration with the municipal section of the Lions Club, the proceeds of the initiative (now in its 45th edition) will be donated this year to the “L’altra mezzo” associations “del cielo”, “Amis di pumpier de Meràa” and “L’Alveare”. The departure is scheduled from Collegio Manzoni between 7:45 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. The route passes through the parks of Villa Subaglio, Villa Castelbarco, Villa dei Cedri, Villa Perego, Villa Confalonieri, Villa Belgioioso, the Astronomical Observatory and the Sartirana Lake Nature Reserve.


On Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 October 2023, in Oggiono, precisely in Villa Sironi, the exhibition “Dante and the Divine Comedy” will take place: the pictorial works will be the same as those presented in the international Italia Show competition “ Dante and the Divine Comedy” were exhibited by the group of painters from the Vanna Colombo School. The event is organized by the ArtAmare cultural and artistic association under the patronage of the Municipality of Oggiono. The exhibition is open to the public from 10 a.m. to noon and from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
But not only that, because on Saturday evening there will also be a meeting dedicated to the figure of Dante and his work: the conference «Our journey with Dante». The speaker of the event, which will take place at 8.30 p.m. in the Sala del Camino of Villa Sironi, will be Professor Lorella Erba. Afterwards there will be musical entertainment with famous music based on Dante’s works: the musician Gianni Pellegatta will perform with his mandolin.

A preview of the Fierone will be the show taking place on Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. in the Pro Loco area: “Month that passes… holy that you find». Organized by the ethnic group “La Campagnola” from Olgiate Molgora, “I promessi sposi” from Oggiono and “Renzo e Lucia” from Lecco, in collaboration with the University of Monte di Brianza. “A Sant for Every Paisan” is a folklore show in which the time of history, combined with that of memory and tradition, is influenced by the world of the saints.


On Saturday, October 21, 2023, the Saandabrianza club will celebrate Scary birthday

Are you crazy about chestnuts? Don’t miss this Chestnut in Consonno scheduled for Sunday, October 22, 2023.


The performance will take place on Sunday, October 22, 2023, from 4:30 p.m. at the Teatro Artesfera in Valmadrera UP DOWN with Paolo Ruffini, film and theater actor, television presenter, director and author and the Mayor Von Frinzius Company. It is a theater group from Livorno founded in 1997 under the direction of Lamberto Giannini. It consists of 97 actors, half of whom are people with disabilities. All information here


On Saturday, October 21, 2023, at 9 p.m., the premiere of the new show by the harp and vocal ensemble will take place in the church of Santa Marta (Varenna).the “Tinere Harpa”, which is called “In Fabula”. The show was born from the desire to reread and reinterpret some of the deepest symbolic meanings preserved in the most famous fairy tales of the European tradition, milestones of our culture, stories that still provide an excellent and surprising starting point are very important for the analysis of current social issues.

The repertoire is completely original and consists of music written and performed by the musicians themselves: Davide Negretti, harp, Virginia Grab, harp and voice, Giulia Ricci, harp and voice and Irene Dorsa, harp and voice.

On Sunday, October 22nd, at 5 p.m., the Luigi Scanagatta Cultural Association is pleased to celebrate the publication in the “Sala del Pergolato” of Villa Cipressi, under the patronage of the Municipality of Varenna, which has fully covered the costs of printing the volume to announce the thirtieth volume book by Professor Claudio Pedrazzini entitled “The Regoledo Funicular (June 6, 1903 – June 1, 1960)”.

Sunday, October 22, 2023 Lake Como boat: tour of Varenna in aid of Telethon. A unique opportunity for everyone to admire Varenna from the lake, which has always been the Lombard village par excellence for lovers, on board these very special motorboats LAKE COMO BOAT. Click here for all information

If you’re looking to do something outside the region, click here to find out what to do in Lombardy on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October 2023.