Petro expresses his commitment to the United Nations to implement

Petro expresses his commitment to the United Nations to implement the peace agreement

The document containing the unilateral state declaration of former President Juan Manuel Santos of March 13, 2017, submitted to the Security Council, “must be fully respected.” There is no room for changes,” the president said in the letter distributed by the Presidency.

The letter from Colombia’s first indigenous ambassador to the United Nations highlighted that on the aforementioned date, Santos addressed Secretary-General António Guterres in a measured manner, praising the crucial role of this organization in consolidating peace in the South American nation.

He recalled that, in response to the commitment of the Government and the extinct FARC-EP contained in the final agreement of November 24, 2016, President Santos expressed his desire to issue an official declaration of good faith on behalf of the Colombian State To give up faith in the form of a unilateral state declaration.

This, he explained, will transmit the final full text of the definitive agreement to end the conflict and build a stable and lasting peace in Colombia, signed between the National Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – the People’s Army – and ratified by the Senate and by the House of Representatives this year.

The then Head of State asked you to welcome the above-mentioned agreement and, as you actually did, to transmit it to the Security Council so that it could prepare an official document that would attach the full text of the agreement to resolution 2261 mentioned above official declaration in the form of a unilateral state declaration.

Petro recalled that with the inclusion of the text of the agreement came the obligation for the Colombian State and its head of state, whoever he may be, to enforce the entire contents of the official document, otherwise Colombia could commit serious international responsibility. consequences for the nation.

He stressed that, in his capacity as head of state, it is his “desire, will and obligation to continue the unchanging commitment already made by the official declaration of good faith in the form of a unilateral state declaration.”

In addition, he assured of his additional efforts so that the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) is consolidated as a model and reference for all nations of the world and all personal competencies assigned to it must take into account, which cannot be limited or conditional.

The JEP must apply the universal and guaranteeing mandate of criminal facilitation, it must act preferentially and quickly to apply the right to amnesty where necessary, and the JEP may limit or impose conditions on the right to truth without giving reasons.

President Petro stressed that he will spare no effort to ensure that the JEP fulfills its great mission, namely peace as synthesis law.
