Concha directly addressed Reynosos controversial statements and referred to the

Concha directly addressed Reynoso’s controversial statements and referred to the conversation in the hotel

Concha directly addressed Reynosos controversial statements and referred to the

After the first four games of the Peruvian team in the 2026 qualification, Juan Reynoso is at the center of criticism not only because of the results, but also because of his recent statements at a press conference about the level of League 1. After the game against Argentina, the national coach pointed out that the players in the tournament there were not even able to do that Can withstand 60 minutes of playing time.

Thereafter, Jairo Concha He was asked about Juan Reynoso’s words as he left training at Alianza Lima. The 24-year-old midfielder stated that these statements did not bother him.

“No, it’s not that. Many received them badly, but I think the ‘teacher’ wanted to send a message, as if to say that we need to train better because we have already seen the high level of the competition. “Qualifiers,” said Concha.

YOU CAN SEE: Gareca sent a message to fans after Reynoso’s poor results in the Peruvian team

The former San Martin player He stressed that if they want to compete with the best, they need to focus on the best training possible.. Furthermore, he said that Reynoso did not mention it with the “intent to offend.”

“And I think it’s like, if you want to compete with the best, you have to train in the best way, so I got the message in the best way, he didn’t do it with the intention to offend, “So everything is good,” he added.

The Alianza Lima player He was asked about the conversation with the trainer in the concentration hotel after the press conference. As it will be recalled, “Cabezón” was caught talking to him and Bryan Reyna.

“Yes, that’s over, now I have to concentrate on Alianza. If they call me again I’ll have to think about the national team, but at the moment I’m thinking about Alianza. Yes, there was a message, but everything for them.” The best. I’m happy, not because of the result, but it was a step to be on the qualifying list. All that’s left for me is to play and we hope that can happen to me,” he concluded.

Juan Reynoso spoke to Jairo Concha and Bryan Reyna outside the hotel

The Peru national coach was caught talking to Alianza Lima players after the press conference for the game against Argentina at the national stadium.