Fear for Samantha De Grenet irreparable accident at home

Fear for Samantha De Grenet: irreparable accident at home | "Now she is scared and fragile" Belligea.it

Samantha De Grenet bitter surpriseSamantha De Grenet – Source: Instagram – Belligea.it

Samantha De Grenet wanted to express her opinion on a rather sensitive situation. Here are his doubts and perplexity.

The beauty is 52 years old Samantha DeGrenetbut only a few give them his age, as it displays much less. With this radiance of eternal little girlthe presenter and showgirl is one today solid presence in the hearts of his followers thanks to his presence on social media. Not only does she share hilarious skits with her friend Elenoire Casalegno, but also Facts of life Newspapers that represent it.

Very often the influencer, he reveals his opinion on the topics that leave her with a feeling of internal memory, which is why it is not surprising that Samantha wanted to express her opinion to a fact what’s making the rounds on the internet these days. Here’s what he’s referring to.

The words of Samantha De Grenet

Like we said, Samantha DeGrenetHe tends to share not only his thoughts about important events but also achievements personal facts, which he wants to share with his loyal followers. In this context, he informed his followers a few weeks ago that his father, Mario De Grenethe was operated on at the hip at the ripe old age of 86. The man, who appeared strong and smiling in photos, was surrounded from his wife and children, even if only the two daughters can be seen in the shot. Samantha’s brother was also present there, as she herself confirmed, but due to his reluctance to appear in public, he preferred to take this photo without posing.

In the end, it doesn’t matter what the fans think because Mario knew full well that he had everything the affection of his family, with or without social posts. De Grenet is very close to her parents and is grateful to have them still healthy by her side, as she explained Silvia Toffanin: “…knowing that I can still enjoy her makes me the happiest woman in the world…”.

Samantha De Grenet on GFThe thoughts of Samantha De Grenet – Source: Instagram – Belligea.it

The Big Brother case

Samantha DeGrenet has an idyllic relationship with the father and considers him one of the most selfless men she knows, but his words appear very different towards another father, namely that of the former Gieffina, Heidi kisses. The fact that it happened in the last episode of Big Brotherleft everyone shocked and not only the followers but also the VIPs wanted a say in everything this story. De Grenet also saw from the sofa of her home how irreparable damage was done to the house: it was too much for Heidi.

Obviously we can’t know which one it is the real situation between Heidi, her father and Massimiliano Varrese, but that was it the impression that De Grenet had regarding this whole story: “…the feeling I had was that of a frightened girl, worried about her father’s “judgement”…”. A Social media users He agreed with her and confirmed that the former Gieffina was of his opinion: “scared and fragile“, which makes the situation even worse. What do you think about it? Do you agree with Samantha’s words?

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