Series of misdeeds in Sherbrooke an open police investigation

Series of misdeeds in Sherbrooke: an open police investigation

A police investigation has been launched in Sherbrooke to shed light on a series of misdeeds committed in recent days.

The acts of vandalism were probably carried out with an air rifle.

The shots damaged windows of buildings and bus stops as well as vehicles. A game described as extremely dangerous by police and Adam Ouellet, the owner of one of the damaged vehicles.

The crimes were committed on Wednesday evening between 7:30 and 7:45 p.m. Someone fired several pellets into his Dodge Journey, which was parked on 11th Avenue North, near the intersection of Sainte-Famille Street.

The driver’s side window was shattered. The one behind it was pierced. He also noticed impact marks on the lighting on his rear window and on the tailgate.

Other similar events occurred Thursday evening in the eastern part of Sherbrooke and downtown.

The windows of several bus stops were smashed. A window in the government building at 200 Belvédères Nord was also damaged.

It is believed that the suspect(s) fired from a vehicle. They even targeted an STS bus stopped at a stop.

The police assume that the weapon used was a handgun, i.e. commercially available pistols that do not require a license or registration.

Police have launched an investigation and are asking the public for help.S

Although fortunately no one was injured, the police want to prevent an unfortunate incident from occurring.