Leonardo da Vinci was also a pioneer of the chemical

Leonardo da Vinci was also a pioneer of the chemical painting technique Infobae

The study used innovative methods such as X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy to analyze the Mona Lisa. (Archive)

Everything seems to point to that Leonardo da Vinci It wasn’t just one painter unique in its kind, with traces that have marked the history of humanity and that are even more alive than ever, it was also a chemical innovator who experimented with a technique that was only used a century after its existence.

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This was recently revealed study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, in which an international group of scientistThrough unconventional techniques such as X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy, found a rare compound called Plumbonacrite in the base layer of the emblematic “Mona Lisa“.

Imagine trying to understand how beads are arranged in a closed bracelet without touching it. Faced with the impossibility of seeing it directly, he decides to shine Shine a light on the bracelet and watch the light pattern change as it passes through the beads. This concept is similar to that X-ray diffraction.

Plumbonacrite, a rare compound, was discovered in the basal layer of the Mona Lisa. Plumbonacrite is created by a combination of lead oxides and oil, a technique that would speed up the drying of paint. (Portal/Sarah Meyssonnier)

The scientist they shoot X-raysthese are basically very bright rays of light energeticon a material and observe how they change Good heavens when you cross it. From the way they deviate, they can determine how Atoms within the material.

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On the other hand, that is Infrared spectroscopy It is used to obtain information about the molecules. This method is based on the Light absorption in the region Infrared of the spectrum electromagnetic by a molecule and this absorption leads to changes in the vibrational states of the chemical compounds From the same.

In the base layer of the “Mona Lisa“, in addition to the white lead pigment and oil, the above compound was discovered Plumbonacrite. The substanceidentified in several in 2019 painting from Rembrandt of the 17th century, had not been proven in works of the Italian Renaissance until now, according to the American Chemical Society publication.

It was also discovered that the base layer of da Vinci’s The Last Supper had the same composition as the Mona Lisa. (Archive)

The Plumbonacrite results from the combination of Lead oxides and oil, one Technology which would later be used to speed up the drying of the paintingand its presence in the “Mona Lisa” point to Da Vinci as a pioneer for this method.

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Both “Mona Lisa” like others painting of the 16th century were made panels made of wood that required a thick base layer. Experts believe so Da Vinci created his own mix Dust from Lead oxide And Flaxseed oil To achieve this primary layer, the rare is accidentally created Connection.

“Everything that comes Leonard It’s very interesting because he was a Artistof course, but it was also a chemicalA physically; He had many ideas and was a Experimenter… He tries to improve the knowledge of his time,” noted Gilles Wallez, author of the study and professor at Sorbonne University Parisin an interview with CNN.

Experts believe that Da Vinci accidentally created Plumbonacrite by forming a base layer of lead oxide and linseed oil. (Archive)

For the analysis of the “Mona Lisa“, which is currently protected in the museum Paris Louvre and from which they cannot be taken rehearseThe scientist from France And Great BritainThey turned to a microsample collected in a hidden corner behind it in 2007 frame.

As Wallez explained to the same medium, he and his team used a machine last technology Call Synchrotronthat with his particle accelerator allowed them to study that composition the sample on the plane molecular.

“Are rehearse You have a Cultural value very high,” Wallez told CNN. “They can’t afford to take large sums of money.” rehearse of a to paintSo a Synchrotron It’s the best way to analyze them.”

Since the “Mona Lisa” is currently protected in the Louvre in Paris and no samples can be taken from it, the scientists used a microsample collected in 2007 for the analysis. (EFE/Javier Lizon)

The method allowed us to discover that the base layer of the mural “The last supper” from Da Vinci had the same chemical composition than that of the “Mona Lisa“, Although the Mural was painted on a Wall. There is a broader spectrum for this work rehearsea total of 17 that came from the to paint that had resolved itself over time.

The mona LIsa” And “The last supper“are two of the fewer than 20 painting knew that Da Vinci He did something during his life Researcher They plan to continue the analysis plays to find out more about the Artist and be Technology.