Patricia Bullrich gives a speech and denies support for Massa

Patricia Bullrich gives a speech and denies support for Massa in the 2nd round

The rightwing candidate received 23.84% of the vote and came 3rd in the 1st round of the Argentine elections

The candidate of the rightwing coalition Juntos por el Cambio, Patricia Bullrich, admitted defeat in the 1st round of the Argentine presidential elections this Sunday (October 22, 2023). In his speech, Bullrich signaled that he should not support Economy Minister and Peronist candidate Sergio Massa, who will face libertarian Javier Milei in the second round.

“Populism has impoverished the country and I am not the one to congratulate the return to power of someone who was part of the worst government in Argentina’s history,” he said.

The former security minister criticized Alberto Fernández’s government, saying the current government had distributed money and left the country further in debt. According to Bullrich, his coalition will not be an accomplice “to the mafia that destroyed Argentina.”

“That is why, together with everyone who is part of this force, we will represent the values ​​of those who voted for us today. Our values ​​cannot be sold or bought, we will not negotiate them. Even if we did not win the elections today, we will be with all Argentines in the difficult times ahead,” he said.

This Sunday, 94.18% of the ballots had been counted by 10:48 p.m (October 22, 2023) According to the country’s National Electoral Directorate, this was the partial result of the Argentine elections:

See what election day was like in Argentina:

Javier Milei votes for Almagro in Buenos Aires;  La Libertad candidate Avanza will be 53 years old this Sunday (October 22, 2023).  Reproduction/X  October 22, 2023

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Reproduction/Social Media Javier Milei votes in Almagro in Buenos Aires; La Libertad candidate Avanza will be 53 years old this Sunday (October 22, 2023). Reproduction/X October 22, 2023

Economy Minister Sergio Massa is one of the favorite candidates for the presidency of Argentina;  In the photo you can see him voting in the city of Tigre

Copyright ©
| Reproduction/X @SergioMassa Oct 22, 2023 Economy Minister Sergio Massa is one of the favorite candidates for the presidency of Argentina; In the photo you can see him voting in the city of Tigre

"I ask everyone to take part in these elections, in which much is at stake for the present and future of Argentina"Bullrich wrote on his social network profile

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The presidential candidate and governor of the province of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti, voted this Sunday morning (October 22).

Copyright ©
Reproduction/X Oct 22, 2023 The presidential candidate and governor of the province of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti, voted this Sunday morning (Oct 22).

Myriam Bregman, the Frente de Izquierda's candidate for president of Argentina, votes in Buenos Aires

Copyright ©
Reproduction/Social Media @myriambregman Oct 22, 2023 Myriam Bregman, Frente de Izquierda candidate for the presidency of Argentina, votes in Buenos Aires

This is what Argentine President Alberto Fernández said "It does not matter" whether he will leave politics after his term at the helm of Casa Rosada ends;  In the picture, the Argentine president is voting in Puerto Madero

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Reproduction / In the picture, the Argentine president is voting in Puerto Madero

Argentina's vice president, Cristina Kirchner, votes in Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz province

Copyright ©
Reproduction/Social Media @cristinafkirchner Oct 22, 2023 The Vice President of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, is voting in Río Gallegos, in the province of Santa Cruz

Former Argentine President Maurício Macri during voting in the country's general elections this Sunday (October 22);  He voted near Palermo in Buenos Aires

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Reproduction/Social Networks @mauriciomacri Oct 22, 2023 Former Argentine President Maurício Macri during voting in the country’s parliamentary elections this Sunday (Oct 22); He voted near Palermo in Buenos Aires

More than 35.8 million Argentine voters, including 449,000 abroad, were eligible to vote on Sunday (October 22, 2023).

Copyright ©
Reproduction/X More than 35.8 million Argentine voters, 449,000 of them abroad, were eligible to vote on Sunday (October 22, 2023).

Voting for elections at the Argentine Consulate General in Japan;  In total, Argentina has 449,000 voters residing abroad

Copyright ©
Reproduction/Social Media @CamaraElectoral Oct 22, 2023 Voting for elections at the Argentine Consulate General in Japan; In total, Argentina has 449,000 voters residing abroad

Argentinians register to vote at the country's embassy in Sydney, Australia

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Reproduction/Social Media @CamaraElectoral Oct 22, 2023 Argentines register to vote at the country’s embassy in Sydney, Australia

Argentinians vote for base in Antarctica

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Reproduction/Social Media @CamaraElectoral Oct 22, 2023 Argentines vote for base in Antarctica

|  Reproduction/X @CamaraElectoral  October 22, 2023

| Reproduction/X @CamaraElectoral October 22, 2023

Vote for the Argentine President in Porto Alegre (RS)

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Reproduction/X @ARGPortoAlegre Vote for the Argentine President in Porto Alegre (RS)

Argentines living in Russia also went to the polls

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Reproduction/X @EmbArgRussia Argentines living in Russia also went to the polls

Lines formed early at polling stations across the country

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Reproduction/X Early on, queues formed in electoral districts across the country

According to 2022 data from the World Bank, Argentina is the second largest economy in South America and the 22nd in the world, with a GDP (gross domestic product) of $632.77 billion. The country is also the Brazilians’ third largest trading partner. Brazil exported $15.34 billion last year and imported $13.10 billion from the neighboring country. The balance was $2.24 billion.