1698068783 Israel Hamas News from todays war

Israel Hamas: News from today’s war

Crosetto: “Hamas is not a Palestinian people, no to the war between the West and Islam”

“I am here to show you the attention, respect and closeness of the state. But also to see for yourself how you are doing, how things are going with the people you care about. Because this is how it is done in our great defense family”. This was said today in Lebanon by Defense Minister Guido Crosetto at the Shama base, the headquarters of the Italian Contingent Command, based on the mechanized brigade “Granatieri di Sardegna”, which took part in Operation “Leonte XXXIV” was used.
“The greatest defense we have is the respect that we have earned, that you have earned. The relationship built with the Lebanese people, with the Lebanese Armed Forces and with all actors on the ground. The legacy we enjoy – He continued: “It’s about the respect that we have built here, as in Kosovo, through the work you do every day and through what you give. I always say that the greatest strength we have is the respect that Italy deserves.”

Deepening the mission’s role, the minister added that “the peacekeepers play a fundamental role in the pacification and protection of the population. It is even more important to maintain this presence for the entire world that believes in peace. “The blue helmets today are having greater difficulties than in previous months in this United Nations mission whose aim is to protect peace.”

At the end of his visit, the minister wanted to emphasize that “it is necessary to make a clear distinction between Hamas, a terrorist organization whose aim is the destruction of Israel, and the fate of the Palestinian people.” Italy, for its part, is moving 360 degrees so that the conflict can be de-escalated. It would be dramatic if these events ignited the Islamic world and triggered a new war between the West and Islam. It’s the first time I’ve seen such unanimous activism to prevent worse things from happening.