quotThose who kidnapped hostages could receive an apartment and 10000quot

"Those who kidnapped hostages could receive an apartment and $10,000" (Hamas terrorist) I24 i24 in French

“We were ordered to approach the dead and cut off their heads and legs. We also had to rape the bodies of young girls.”

Israeli forces now know more about Hamas’ plans for the October 7 attacks. The police and the Shin Bet therefore made public some of the information gathered after interrogating the Hamas special forces terrorists who carried out the massacres.

According to the terrorists’ statements, the instructions they received called for the killing and kidnapping of as many civilians as possible, including women, children and the elderly. Anyone who brought a hostage into the Gaza Strip was rewarded with an apartment and $10,000 by Hamas.

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The army, for its part, also released video clips of the interrogation of a Hamas member involved in the atrocities. In particular, the terrorist in question revealed to investigators the permits and training the terrorists had received, including “legal and religious” training, to commit the atrocities. “The plan was to go from house to house, room to room, throwing grenades and killing everyone, including women and children,” he explained. “Hamas also ordered us to step on the heads of the dead, behead them and cut off their legs.”

According to him, the terrorists were also given “special permission” to rape the bodies of murdered women and girls. He himself claimed that his friend had committed such an act on the corpse of a young girl. In addition to obtaining details of Hamas raids on Israeli communities, Israel’s domestic intelligence services said they had valuable information that would be used to attack targets in the Gaza Strip.