At least 7 dead in Louisiana in serious collision caused

At least 7 dead in Louisiana in serious collision caused by fog: 158 vehicles involved

The toll of a UN is tragic A serious accident occurred on Interstate 55 in the USAin, in the state of Louisiana, Monday, October 23rd. Actually near New Orleans 158 cars were involved in a record collisionpossibly caused by the thick fog that had enveloped the road causing this Death of 7 people.

Major accident in the USA

Apocalyptic images appeared before the eyes of the rescuers who tried to help the drivers involved in accidents. According to the Associated Press, at least 158 ​​vehicles were involved in a chain collision that seemed to have no end.

In fact, several witnesses said they braked sharply to avoid colliding with the cars in front, but other cars continued to rear up and collide. “It was a Constant boom of cars tailgatingsaid one of the drivers involved in the accident.

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Dead and injured in the collision

According to initial estimates, at least seven people died in the accident Budget could grow. In fact, numerous seriously injured people were taken to hospital.

At least 25in fact they are People who were forced to seek medical treatmentbut her actual health status is not yet known.

A truck is on fire

This massive collision was caused by poor visibility caused by a thick blanket of fog that enveloped Interstate 55, but also by smoke caused by some fires. In an initial survey, the American police reported a “great fog“.

And even the accident resulted in a violent fire that engulfed a truck and the cars surrounding it and became trapped in the tangle of sheet metal immediately after the various collisions.

Interstate 55 blocked

The drama unfolded on the two-lane stretch of Interstate 55 that crosses Lake Pontchartrain. A busy road that could no longer be used after the accident the passage of cars is prohibited.

The pile-up indeed had a serious impact on traffic. The route was closed to allow emergency services to work safely and to ensure the proper conduct of the investigations launched immediately after the accident to better understand what happened.

Photo source: Getty Images/X