UN Without fuel aid to Palestinians could end this Wednesday

UN: Without fuel, aid to Palestinians could end this Wednesday Check

Over the weekend, the Raffah crossing on the EgyptGaza border was opened to only 20 trucks per day, a volume considered insufficient. To top it off, Israel is blocking the entry of fuel, claiming it would end up in Hamas hands.

According to Tamares, before the new chapter of the crisis, around 500 trucks were entering the Gaza Strip every day, 45 of them carrying only fuel. What makes matters worse is that some of the donations cannot be used. “Sacks of rice or lentils were sent. But there is no water or fuel for cooking,” he warned.

For the UN, without fuel, the entire aid operation will be frozen from Wednesday. “We ask that the fuel be allowed to come in,” Tamares said.

The Israeli authorities accuse Hamas of withholding the fuel and thus preventing the material from reaching the population.

According to the United Nations, 58 clinics in Gaza are no longer operating today and queues for bread can last up to six hours. There are tensions, shortages and violence in the overcrowded UN shelters in Gaza. The data also shows that the number of children killed or missing in Gaza has reached almost 3,000.

“We are on our knees begging for a humanitarian space,” the WHO said on Tuesday.