Spain violent clash between firefighters and police officers what happened

Spain, violent clash between firefighters and police officers: what happened

Extremely violent clashes between Firefighters and police officers in Galicia (Spain). The protests by the so-called bomberos, who want to improve their working conditions, have been going on for months and tensions are increasing day by day. Yesterday, Monday October 23rd, the images we see today arrived, with a real one battle Exchange between the demonstrators and representatives of the police forces.

A situation on the edge

According to Spanish newspapers, yesterday around 200 firefighters from Galicia’s regional parks appeared in front of the headquarters of the Orense Provincial Council. The aim was to protest against the current ones working conditions and request a raise. “A nosa loita é a vosa scam”, or “Our fight is your shame”, was one of the mottos that could be seen on the banners carried in the procession.

The common intention was: a demonstration peaceful, but after a short time tempers became overheated and the situation deteriorated in unexpected ways. Apparently even a firefighter was injured in the riot.

What caused tensions to rise was an attempt by some firefighters to break through the barrier set up by the police police officers who were responsible for the seat of the provincial council. At this point, the police began attacking the protesters and the clash began. A number of vehicles from the state police’s operational units, agents from the provincial police headquarters and the local police were deployed to defend the administration building.

The situation therefore became more and more dangerous. Some firefighters shot smoke and paint at the building’s facade, while others also caused a fire, presumably with a smoke bomb or a spray can blaze.

In the end, as expected, one of the firefighters suffered facial injuries and was transported to the hospital for this reason ambulance In the emergency room.

We are looking for a solution

After the terrible day yesterday, the President of the Provincial Council decided to do this encounter At least the fire brigade spokesmen agreed to present their suggestions to the representatives of the other state councils.

Since June 15, the Bomberos have been trying to make their voice heard. Due to the economic crisis, wages have fallen and at the same time the available staff has decreased. This led to Shifts stressful. In the Galicia region alone there are 24 regional parks in this situation.