Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

The government’s successes in the fight against cancer are highlighted in Nicaragua

During the fourth regular session of the XXXIX. During the legislative session, the deputy pointed to the progress in the care of women with breast cancer, recalling that in 2006 the then neoliberal government carried out only 50 mammograms, while in 2023 the current executive has so far done more than 69 thousand 480.

In this sense, he explained that the country has 43 mammography machines in all departments, in addition to 23 cytopathological laboratories for the confirmation of breast cancer; and 353 ultrasound injury detection machines installed in all city capitals.

“We have two linear accelerators, we are on the third and we have seven centers in seven departments where chemotherapy is used. “That is the reality, it is not a discourse here, it is reality,” emphasized the parliamentarian.

For his part, Andrés Zamora, member of the Health and Social Security Commission, praised the great concern of the government led by President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo in early detection in order to reduce the number of deaths from the disease.

Zamora pointed to the existence of a program to prevent this type of pathology in the public system, adding that the Social Security Institution also has a project that gives workers and pensioners access to treatment.

He also referred to a list of medicines with a special program to care for patients and highlighted the construction of the comprehensive care center for women “Ligia Altamirano”.
