Strike Italy The acoustic shock in the Palestinian camps in

“Strike Italy”. The acoustic shock in the Palestinian camps in Lebanon

Audio clips are circulating in Lebanon urging people to do this hostile acts also against Italy. This is reported by the LaPresse agency, citing sources who were aware of the dossier. This contribution would fit into the high risk of terrorist attacks in our country and also in Europe, even if, as government representatives have repeatedly emphasized, there is currently no concrete threat.

The Italian secret service is monitoring all indications and channels through which threats against the country could emerge, as part of a comprehensive preventive measure that also includes closing borders and reintroducing controls. The ones who scare are the ones Lone wolves which seem like loose cannons, and the call to action that would come from some Palestinian camps present in Lebanon confirms that a threat to national security exists and is real. The other countries that would be mentioned in this audio are Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States.

All of these countries, some for one reason, some for another, along with Italy, are guilty of being supporters of Israel in the eyes of the extremists. In this war, which arose after the October 7 attacks, the entire Western world is now on the side of the Jewish state Hamas against Israeli and foreign civilians residing in Jewish land. There are still hundreds of hostages in the Gaza Strip and thousands of people killed by terrorist militias in their incursions into Israel.

This new threat looming over Italy and Europe has forced us to “intensify as much as possible”. Prevention measures general nature and control of the territory”. The guidelines affect all on-duty employees who must “maintain a consistently high level of safety,” LaPresse reports. The border with Slovenia is guarded by 300 men and security systems are also being strengthened at the Italian maritime border. “Europe has sealed off.” the Balkan passage, where militants from extremist ISIS organizations are most likely to get through, but there is a risk that militiamen are already ready to attack at home. Countries, including Italy, have also subsequently intensified their operations to deport suspects of terrorist connections. Something happened in Belgium a few days ago. The attention is getting bigger and the tension is growing.