Clash at the UN Israel calls for Antonio Guterres boss

Clash at the UN: Israel calls for Antonio Guterres boss Euronews

At the United Nations, Antonio Guterres reiterated that “the Hamas terrorist attack does not come out of nowhere,” but “out of 56 years of occupation.” Israel demanded his resignation.


Discussions at the United Nations were lively. Israel has called for the resignation of the UN Secretary General. Antonio Guterres’ comments sparked such a leap in Israel that his representative believes he needs to rethink his country’s entire relationship with the United Nations.

When the UN chief explained this “The Hamas terrorist attack did not come out of nowhere,” but “from 56 years of occupation policy,” Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen sharply attacked Antonio Guterres:

“Mr Secretary General, what world do you live in? It’s certainly not our world.”

The call for resignation was first made by Israeli UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan in a message on X.

But when asked if he, too, was calling for a resignation, Eli Cohen replied: “Of course.” He then downplayed Antonio Guterres’ role as secretary general:

“He does not represent the key members of the United Nations and certainly not the United States, Germany, France or Britain, which have supported Israel,” he said.

Ambassador Gilad Erdan, appearing alongside the minister and several relatives of hostages held by Hamas, added: “Of course we need to rethink our entire relationship with the United Nations.”

“We have long complained about the way the UN and its representatives in Israel operate and distort reality. They don’t report what’s really happening, they take things out of context, they refuse to verify our claims about “terrorist attacks (…)”. ) and they take the words of Hamas as if they were the word of God,” explained Gilad Erdan.

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen then canceled his meeting with the UN Secretary General.

He accuses Antonio Guterres of taking “comprehensive action in the face of terrorism and murder.”

Antonio Guterres had planned to meet Eli Cohen with the families of the hostages. This meeting was held even without the presence of Mr. Cohen, said his spokesman Stéphane Dujarric.

Before his controversial comments, the UN Secretary General also stated: “I am deeply concerned by the clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing in Gaza. Let me be clear: no party to an armed conflict is above international humanitarian law. Nothing can justify intentional killing, injury to civilians or kidnapping. or that missiles are fired against civilian targets.”

He also called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, citing the demands of NGOs.

“How can you enter into a ceasefire agreement with someone who has sworn to kill and destroy your existence?****” Eli Cohen then responded.

Additional sources • EFE, AP, AFP