On attacks on the philanthropic network What is the origin

On attacks on the philanthropic network: What is the origin of Hamas and what is it fighting for? check

Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) is one of the extremist groups fighting against the existence of the State of Israel and was founded after the end of World War II to protect Jews. Founded in 1987, Hamas is led by a core of doctors and graduate students Abdel Aziz alRantissi, Mahmmoud Zahar, Ismail Hanieh and Ismail Shanab.

AlRantissi hit the headlines again last week when Israel announced that it had killed Jamila Abdallah Taha alShanti, the widow of a Hamas cofounder, in an airstrike. She was a Gazaborn teacher. AlRantisi was a doctor and political figure in Palestine. He became leader of Hamas but was killed in April 2004 when an Israeli rocket was fired at his car.

Mahmmoud Zahar is another member with a medical background as a surgeon. He was arrested by Israel in 1988 and survived an assassination attempt in 2003 his eldest son was killed.

Another murder on March 22, 2004 of Ahmed Yassin, who was also part of this core and considered the movement’s spiritual leader, sparked turmoil and turmoil among the Palestinian population, who vowed revenge against Israel. Yassin played a key role in convincing the group’s followers to carry out suicide attacks against Jews.

The group was designated terrorist by the European Union after the attack on Jerusalem in August 2003, killing hundreds of Israeli civilians.

The organization is considered the second largest Palestinian guerrilla movement against Israel after Fatah, and in some cases functions as a philanthropic and aid network, helping some families in regions of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.